Will McConnell stand strong?

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Apr 26, 2015
Someone just sent me a link to an online petition encouraging McConnell to stand strong on his statement that the Senate will not confirm any Supreme Court Justice to replace Scalia until after the election. Being that I am leery of online petitions I went to McConnell's own webpage and sent a personal message. The address is https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/?p=ContactForm. I think getting all our thank-you's and encouragement will help him stand strong on this.
IMHO that's a big mistake to tell everyone the gop will not confirm anyone Obams sends to them. It Looke bad. I think the gop should have said nothing or state that they will consider that person after proper vetting. Then just make sure all other business is voted on and let both sides argue until after the election. Will McConnell stand strong? He caved before so who knows.
The GOP and Mitch will stand strong. No cave in this time. The Republic's future as we know it depends on that.

Bank it. Don't listen to the wimps. Be strong yourself. We will Make It So. :)
Does no good to freak out before we even know who the nominee is. A real possibility is Obama sends them a moderate knowing that a hardline liberal has zero chance of confirmation.
Obama hates guns, and the people who own them.


His time spent here in Illinois and elsewhere.
Does no good to freak out before we even know who the nominee is. A real possibility is Obama sends them a moderate knowing that a hardline liberal has zero chance of confirmation.
I would say that anyone who is less than a staunch pro 2A appointee is worse than worthless. Do you think there is any chance Obama is going to put someone like that up for nomination?
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