Will NICS deny for a juvenile felony?

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Jan 8, 2004
I have a friend who I introduced to shooting a couple months ago. He's 26, but plead to a felony juvenile assault charge to avoid being tried in adult court. The whole thing was kind of kangaroo from the get-go, and he figured it best to keep it on the juvie record, and plead out.

Anyway- he's now jonesing for a boom-toy of his own. Will juvie records be a problem?
I think if your convicted as a juvenile, you have to wait until your 30 to get it expunged or something. Cannot confirm though.
Juvenile records are generally expunged upon turning 18 yrs of age. Some of the Communist states may have other ideas.
Yes, criminal records before age 18 are or should be supressed. If Not easily expungable.
the best thing he can do is ask the local cops or sheriffs dept run a ck on him..be honest with the cops and maybe they will do you the favor. It probably should come back neg, but if it don't, the assault charge is hard to lose.

if he tries to buy a gun first and the charge shows up, he's just commited another felony, so be safe, get a print out of his record before going further
OK, I know another guy with the sheriffs dept. I'll give him a call and have him run it.

Looks like a craps shoot. I guess we'll see.
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