Will we wake up Felons?

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Jan 10, 2019
With the looming gun control bills headed to the senate the question rails my mind is will we wake up felons?

Our government has sold gun owners down the river the last 40 years with no thought paid unto what the unintended consequences might be.

It's easy to talk big and say the rhetoric "from my cold dead hands" yet the time is coming when every man and woman who recognizes the threat being offered towards our personal liberties must decide if action will be required to be taken. The question for everyone will be when?

I don't advocate a civil war nor a revolution, I do feel the powers which be are advocating that proposition reasons which Thr is not the place to discuss.

The laws are quickly passing and if we do not make haste we may find ourselves felons in the coming light of days. Now is the time to contact our representatives and express our desires for freedom

The NRA,GOA,ETC can't save our rights now, it's in the hands of grass root activist and lovers of freedom which the American gun owner is.
I think if new laws would turn someone into a felon for owning a particular firearm or accessory, most people will turn them in. Life is too comfortable to risk prison. After all, the chances of becoming a victim of violence is far greater in prison than it is on the outside with or without owning any firearms.

Citizens need to open their wallets and support candidates that they trust will support their values. If you live in a gun friendly state then consider throwing some support at a candidate elsewhere who has an uphill battle and encourage everyone they know to do the same.
I seriously doubt we will see any life changing new gun laws enacted in the near future. Just too much resistance right now and already enough gun laws put into place. That does not mean we need to give up, or even let up, our support and pressure against such. What I do see getting enacted, if anything, are minors things that have had the support of the majority of Americans(this includes gun owners) for a long time, like UBCs and Red Flag laws. Seems the primary focus in Washington is now not on guns, but mental health. Which indeed is what really drives these mass shootings. Complicated issue without a easy fix, that will take many years before we see any kind of results.

That said, we do have a major problem and we do need to do something about it. In scenarios like schools, where kids are mandated to attend and we continue to make them a soft target, we need to harden the security and defense of such. While most schools have enough security in place, if measures are followed, teachers and staff need to be trained better and held responsible for keeping those measures in place. We need responsible staff trained and allowed to carry, to be the first line of defense in case those measures are breached, instead of having victims wait till help arrives. We need the best shooting and best trained cops as resource officers in schools, instead of having high paid meter maids in place. We also need to train building staff in proper trauma and "stop the bleed" measures because most victims bleed out from arterial bleeding long before the EMTs are allowed into the buildings. Simple techniques can and do save lives if folks know how to implement them in time.

I'm sorry, but this mass shooting crap is not going away any time soon. Not as long as we want to enjoy the access and freedoms the average American now has for firearms. Instead of looking at a fantasy instant cure for the problem, we need to institute measures to reduce or eliminate the amount of collateral damage done when it does occur.
Let the supporters of such bills pay the price for their vote to pass or rewarded for their opposition to them. at the polls in November

Haha. Good luck with that. We shall see.

If my country turns it's back to me, I have no problem living as an outlaw. Most on THR will just tuck tail and turn their guns in.

The Democrats let felons out of prisons in record numbers recently. And they've attacked innocent people more than ever before. You cant own a gun, but a violent criminal can. The bias in our courts is worse than ever. There is no justice.
We have already drifted way off topic for THR. I understand there are larger issues at play, but those issues are off topic for THR. The mental health crisis is a major issues and is tied into the current push for gun control, but in and of itself it is off topic for THR. Same goes for prison release, bail reform, and the decriminalization of some crimes.

THR has a narrow focus. Firearms. That is it.
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