will you spend more to buy local

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I'll spend something extra, but not a lot.

(my LGS, like many, played the "out of stock but our prices are good" card publicly earlier this year (as if there's really a "price" on something that's out of stock, but anyway) when they were selling all of their relevant firearms on Gunbroker. Which is fine. And I don't blame them. The goal of a for profit business is to maximize owner value, after all, which usually means maximizing profits. But I'd like more people to keep that in mind when they just assume that empty shelves = LGS didn't have guns to sell.
Yea that sounds about right for me too. one thing in the local guys favor is that a lot of my firearms/gear buys are impulse buys. Ask the wife..
I do like to buy from a LGS when and if they have what I want and I can walk out with it right there for a little above getting it online and having to wait. Product + Transfer + Shipping versus Product + Tax + Checking out the gun before an order is made.

I love the concept of helping out the mom & pop store of any kind when I can, but prices are higher in most cases at the mom & pop stores. Most of them are not getting rich, they are getting by. I also know how it feels on the business side of a mom & pop as an employee for one in a non-firearm related business. We have done internet sales for a few years and of course brick & mortar for decades.

For us, we priced internet products in line with other internet stores as basically a fishing net. Some sales we caught versus the other stores, but most times we didn't. The profit from internet sales for a mom & pop shop may not even cover the cost of paying for the internet store. Yet, it does keep your presence known.

The brick and mortar sales of course had higher prices. We had to spend more human face to face time to gain those sales and salaries or commissions have to be paid to the employees. Our face to face sales require knowledge and expertise on our part which requires a higher than "shipping clerk" pay check.

People that bought from our internet store already knew what they wanted out of their own research. One person from our brick & mortar that can wear a 2nd hat as the I.T. guy can do that job covered by his salary from the 1st hat he wears. Plus, we don't have to stock the item sold on the internet store. It ships directly from the manufacturer or distributor, so we don't have to hire an extra employee for internet sales.

Anyway, I can't speak for all the gun stores of other Mom & Pop shops, but just because the local store sells for more than a large online store like Bud's or Midway doesn't mean the local store is getting rich. Check out what they drive and how they dress. If you happen to know where they live, you would know what their home looks like. Chances are pretty good that they live about like the rest of us here at THR.
One thing to remember with the LGS raising prices during and after the Newtown rush, it's often not because they got greedy, especially the smaller stores that have to deal with distributors.

My buddy owns a reloading store and many of his prices are somewhat higher than before. His costs, from the distributors have gone up. He still marks up his prices the same amount he always had, so it's not him gouging anyone.

I am fortunate that the LGS didn't play that game during the craziness.

His prices didn't change much and he has always been fair to me.
I have tried to build a relationship with more than one LGS. Last one wanted $50 to transfer a handgun and $75 for a long gun. Latest guy charges flat $35. Gun prices are off the charts. Colt 6920 MP-B was $1248.69 @ Walmart. CDNN has them for $1199 FFL price. LGS wanted $1500. Bought it from WalMart. We're talking 20% difference not $20. Joe
I'll support a LGS if he supports his business area.
He can charge $20 for a transfer or $60. His choice.
I buy a lot of used guns.... that's what I like. If they have 2 or 3 to choose from I have no problem asking them to do a transfer. New, you can always ask them if they'll be competitive for a NIB gun. It is their choice, again. If they work with us, they'll earn our business. If they want to drive a Benz instead of a nice pickup or SUV then that tells me that when they charge $60 for a transfer or MSRP + 10%, they don't want my business.
I guess I've never lived in an area with good LGS, because I have never felt the need to spend my money at one. The one time I bought at my local LGS, the guys were jerks, didn't even offer me a free box of ammo (which I admit might be a little too high of an expectation), and basically shoved me out the door after charging me MSRP+10%.

Whereas I've bought several guns online, and the local dudes operating out a rental storage unit charged me $10 for the transfer and were super cool. I don't see the need for a LGS when I can buy my guns and ammo from online/a place like Academy and generally pay less to people who treat me much nicer. Maybe someday I'll find that unicorn LGS where all the staff are cool and they don't price gouge, but until then I'll shop happily online.
I buy where the price is the best assuming at least a decent level of customer service. I suppose in some cases great service could convince me to spend a little more money. BUt, considering the gun industry in general has very poor overall customer service, that rarely happens with regards to guns. I generally use an LGS to handle and then buy off of the internet.
Bought it from WalMart. We're talking 20% difference not $20. Joe

I feel the same way. If I was buying an AR and the LGS was only $20 more, I'd get it there. But 20%? Sorry I'm a full time student working two part time jobs. I can't justify paying that much more.
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