Winchester shooting low

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Mar 7, 2011
2 miles past the end of the earth
When shooting my Win 92 with 250 gr lead hard cast and 8.5 gr Unique my rifle is pretty much dead on at 25 yards. When I switch to a 250 gr Hornady XTP on top of H110 the rifle shoots about 1-1.5 " low at 25 yards when I have the rear sight at the top of the elevator. I would like it to shoot dead on or maybe 1" high at 25 yards. Should I be looking for a taller elevator, assuming one is out there. Or should I replace the front sight with a shorter one? Suggestions are muchly appreciated.
itd be easier to test it using the elevator. If you can get it to shoot where you want it to consistently with the elevator go that route. If that doesn't work out for you then getting a new front sight may be in order. Or if you find a front sight design that you like more than the one you currently you should just go ahead and go that route.
You could just file the front sight down a swipe at a time until your POA/POI match then cold blue the top.

That's the easiest and quickest way of doing it.
From what I have seen there is only one model of elevator available. I would try a shorter front sight.
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