Wingmaster Bead Sight Thread Size?

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Mar 21, 2003
I ordered a new front sight for my 870 Wingmaster (1968 model) thinking the threads were 6-48. They are actually smaller. Would they be 3-56 instead? If not, what size are they? I need to return this sight and get the proper one.

Remingtons site says it's a .146x48. I dunno if thats a 6X48.

Go to your local hardware store with your barrel (not the whole shotgun!) and try a few different sizes or buy a few screws to try out at home if you feel uncomfortable taking your barrel in. Tell them its part of your plumbing system at home!

Some Remington beads are pressed in BTW.
It's not widely known, but Remington has had some off size beads in the past.

At the institution I worked at, we needed two different sizes for more or less contemporary 870s. One size, and I do not recall what they were, was much more common.

Brownell's tech help may be able to assist in this, more so than the folks at Remington.

When I changed beads on my ex-LEO 870 (1970's vintage), the threads were 6-48. However, I have no way of knowing if I was the first owner/user to touch the sight.
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