Winning cases and positive development for gun owners

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Jan 10, 2010
Northwest Coast
Over the years, I have seen countless threads on various gun forums where gun owners rights have eroded.

Contrary to many beliefs, this recent article points out how NRA added million new members and more than half of all states have expanded gun rights just in recent years -

How about THR start posting winning cases and positive development for gun owners at local city/county/state/national level? This will give us something to cheer and feel good about, especially for new members and guests to THR.

I will start with a case win for California. Yes, the state many wrote off as being a lost cause for gun rights showing that a turnaround for Second Amendment can happen anywhere.

San Diego, California - In a landmark decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to carry firearms for self-defense in public -
But how am I supposed to ask three times retail for my .22 ammo if people aren't borderline panicked about their gun rights?!

Good idea, bds. Looking forward to many more happy cases.
A very positive update to Peruta case today. I really think we are going to win this one! And of all places, California! :D -
11/12/14 - Chuck Michel, Senior Partner at Michel & Associates

The Peruta ruling was a long overdue recognition of the right to obtain a license to carry a firearm to defend yourself. The Attorney General’s next action will determine whether the Peruta case ends here. Attorney General Harris could seek review of her request to intervene in the appeal by an eleven judge “en banc” panel of the Ninth Circuit, or by the Supreme Court. Regardless, pending requests for en banc review in similar cases that benefitted from the work done in the Peruta case could imperil the Peruta ruling. Supreme Court review of the Peruta decision would resolve this important issue once and for all.
I'm so happy for California gun owners. Here in IL we have been fighting the good fight for years on the legislative and legal fronts. It finally paid off forbid with shall issue concealed carry and I hope this happens in CA.

I want to say to anyone reading this, thus using just California's fight, this is everyone's fight. More freedom anywhere is more freedom everywhere! When more gun control passes, it spreads. It may be in another state but it will leak out and hit other states. What's across the country may be in your backyard a few elections from now, it can change that fast. Instead if criticizing other peoples states(I have heard plenty of ignorant comments about IL) help to change it!

So what can you do? Of course, NRA and SAF. You can do more though. At the end of the month if I have a little mad money I will send it to other states 2a rights groups. I have contributed to places like the NY state rifle association, Calguns, etc. Every state has a couple and just sending twenty bucks here it there won't break a person, but it will make a difference.

We can either stand together as gun owners or be conquered separately.
True, that article does mention some gun-control defeats, but if you read it through, that portion is only a preface for a literary rally for gun control. It's actually intended to give the anti-gun reader goosebumps as they read about the re-grouping and mobilization of their causes's supporters against such enemies as the NRA, exciting that reader about all the "new" efforts and the waves of "new" groups that are stepping up to pursue it.

But, yes, I agree that recent years have not gone the way they've wished.
Seems like a nice, "feel good" idea, but it lacks balance. We also need to be reminded of the losses and where we continue to be attacked lest we become to complacent with apparent success.

The push continues for the development of smart guns and the effort is expanding. A court ruling that allows you to carry a gun that shoots only when the gun or a controlling police authority decides it is warranted will be a short lived victory.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, If you snooze, you lose.
Something I think should be pointed out is that even though the R's in Colorado were kicked out of office after they won because of the recalls of the gun grabbers there it was D's that got elected. But I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that if those D's start going after guns the CO voters will go after them just like they did the last gun grabbers. So it isn't just the R's that are defending our rights now it seems. The NY Times tried to make out that was about pro-gun candidates being tossed out but that's hogwash. CO voters already showed what they thought of gun grabbing politicians IMO. And they proved they are mostly a D state too. I hope people take notice that it takes more than being an R to win and it doesn't guarantee gun rights when they get elected. For the most part the R's do better but it isn't set in stone or anything.
More in-depth overview and implications -!.aspx

It may be premature but I am smiling in anticipation.

Sure, with the Republican controlled Senate and House, the anti's will push harder but with the prospect of a republican in the White House and possible future appointments to the US Supreme Court, I feel my morning coffee will keep tasting better and better. ;)
Sure, with the Republican controlled Senate and House, the anti's will push harder but with the prospect of a republican in the White House and possible future appointments to the US Supreme Court, I feel my morning coffee will keep tasting better and better.

I wouldn't start counting chickens just yet. The prospect of a Republican in the White House in 2016 is still just 50/50 and that seems a bit too "iffy" for anyone to be optimistic.
Very good point CeeZee. I'll add that just tonight my wife and I were discussing the very recent CA right to carry ruling (since we live in CA). To add, we're both left-leaning and most often vote democratic. We are also gun owners and are extremely pleased to hear of the ruling. We both agree that as soon as all of the last bits of the case are cleared up, we will both be getting our CCW permits. Why? Minimally we want to exercise the rights that all citizens were granted by our founders. And to continue to take issue with an overreaching government like many other lefty's do.

Something I think should be pointed out is that even though the R's in Colorado were kicked out of office after they won because of the recalls of the gun grabbers there it was D's that got elected. But I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that if those D's start going after guns the CO voters will go after them just like they did the last gun grabbers. So it isn't just the R's that are defending our rights now it seems. The NY Times tried to make out that was about pro-gun candidates being tossed out but that's hogwash. CO voters already showed what they thought of gun grabbing politicians IMO. And they proved they are mostly a D state too. I hope people take notice that it takes more than being an R to win and it doesn't guarantee gun rights when they get elected. For the most part the R's do better but it isn't set in stone or anything.
Just remember though folks ... you win a case there, you win a case here ... but ALL of them will be appealed to the nth degree by the powers that be ... right down to the last taxpayer dollar and beyond.

And even when they LOOSE, the will still obfuscate the spirit of the ruling, if not just outright ignore it, until such time as some PERSON in a position of political power has to serve actual JAIL time for ignoring the courts.
Minimally we want to exercise the rights that all citizens were granted by our founders.


That would be NONE.

The founders did not grant rights, they just established protections for natural rights that each individual has by the nature of their existence.
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