Wisconsin: Police State, B'gosh

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Naturally, other cops are not going to criticize one of their own for a shooting - even a bad one. They need to present a unified front in order to maintain public support. How many more people would start to dislike police if they appeared to be fighting amongst themselves?

I'm not bashing or trying to justify their actions, just offering a possible explanation. Also, the us vs them mentality is greater in the LE field than most others, so they're going to tend to stick together. Once again, not bashing - just stating things the way I see them (and the way I was taught by other police officers).
(and the way I was taught by other police officers).
Caveats like this, and the ever popular, "I have several friends who are cops and they told me . . ." amuse me, but it's clearly an attempt by the author to give their OPINIONS a greater appearance of credibility.

I'd like to know where all these cops are who are having these secret meetings to teach other never criticize another cop. :rolleyes:
.09 seconds...

Ok, I stand corrected. You can slap leather, clear your gun and pull the trigger in .09 seconds. Not exactly what I was talking about but fine. If you're doing that then your actions are strictly reflexive and your are not identifying your target or determining in fact that they are even a threat. I think I see why we are even talking about this......


P.S. - Don't begin to think you understand MY level of training either. ;)
I think we've all had enough of this, and since the original topic is apparently no longer under discussion, I assume that discussion has been concluded.

Lights out. I wish I knew what to say to convince some of you to treat each other like friends, but maybe that's just too much to ask.
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