Wolves, Cougars, Lions, Tigers, Bears on the loose in Ohio!

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So I'm this kid, see...

"Reports are that the bears are indeed Grizzly Bears!"

Flick says he saw some grizzly bears near Pulaski's candy store!

Well, if nobody else is gonna pick up on this, let me be the first:
Careful, Ralphie, you'll shoot your eye out!

Flick Lives! Excelsior!
They better be using shotguns because we all know bullets travel to far in Ohio! :rolleyes:
The zoo folks did arrive with tranquillizers to join the search, also. Some of the animals where baited back into their respective cages with food Mr. Blue. ;) Some where never released. Kinda suspicious how most of the cages got open... I wonder if they would let me go on saffari down there.
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