woman killed by dog

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Ouch. I heard that they tested for rabies that way, but I wasn't sure if that was just a urban legend.
Yeah, they really do send the heads.
My friend was attacked by a rabbid bobcat, which he killed with his bare hands. When he contacted animal control they told him to the bring the carass, and not to touch the head at all, but to make sure it was dead, he bashed its skull in with a rock anyways. They were very mad with him.
It just goes to show you, never own a dog that is too big for you to beat down.
My friend was attacked by a rabbid bobcat, which he killed with his bare hands.

:scrutiny: Assuming that's true, which I have my doubts about, I don't think it's the cat's head that needs to be sent in for testing!
Bobcats don't weigh but fourty lbs. He was on his ranch, and it started attacking his leg. He carries a .357, but it all happend so fast he didnt have time to draw. He ended up shoving both of his thumbs through its trachea, with so much force, he bruised both thumb nails which later fell off. He has the scars to prove it to.

They didnt need just the head, the just wanted it to be intact.
WOW thats amazing. we have bobcats in Wisconsin too. you almost never see them, you see the tracks if you are lucky. and they are mean little mofo's. thats amazing what your friend did. oh, and when we trap them we have to send the skull into the DNR, then they do whatever they do with them. but its a must they get it back.
Bobcats don't weigh but fourty lbs. He was on his ranch, and it started attacking his leg. He carries a .357, but it all happend so fast he didnt have time to draw. He ended up shoving both of his thumbs through its trachea, with so much force, he bruised both thumb nails which later fell off. He has the scars to prove it to.

LOL Count me in the deeply sceptical camp. A bobcat is more than enough animal to rip your forearms apart EVEN IF you could catch and pin it down. Not to mention what it could do to your hands if you tried to get it by the neck. Maybe he strangled an old housecat.
Bobcats don't weigh but fourty lbs. He was on his ranch, and it started attacking his leg. He carries a .357, but it all happend so fast he didnt have time to draw. He ended up shoving both of his thumbs through its trachea, with so much force, he bruised both thumb nails which later fell off. He has the scars to prove it to.

Forty pounds is a big, fat, old bobcat. Fifteen to twenty-five pounds is typical Texas bobcat size. Forty pounds is more like Colorado lynx sized. Almost any adult human being is physically capable of killing a bobcat (or for that matter a lynx) with their bare hands. Speaking from the ranks of the unpriveledged few who have witnessed an ordinary housecat (ten to twelve pounds) strangled by a human being, I'll say that there are very few people who have the pain threshold and the intestinal fortitude to pull it off. The guy I watched do it as a child was hardened old farmer who, though never having done it before thought it would be as easy as pulling the head off a chicken. His forearms were shredded (through a burlap sack) when he got done. His face was twelve shades whiter than white, and he said "I'll never do that again".
Now, before the moderators close us for being "off topic", I'll add what I meant by "second to last sentence."

How do we suppose this dog was "destroyed" in the "front yard"? I'll bet it wasn't a kindly veterinarian with a lethal injection. I wonder how many of these DGU's go missed by the press every year?
As I said he did have many scars down his legs especially. And it was rabbid, so it didnt even have all of its strength anyways.

I wouldnt know what to say about destroyed, I have never heard of an animial being destroyed.:uhoh: All I can say is it couldnt have been pretty
I don't doubt a human can kill a bobcat with their bare hands...but boy you are gonna be hurtin and in need of stitchs.

Try giving a house cat a bath and then think about it awhile :neener:
Damn that is a crazy story.I had to shoot a german shep/mix when I was dove hunting in Southeastern New Mexico. The dog went after a downed bird. I never seen the dog, he came out of some brush and grabbed the dove. I went to toward the dog and the chase was on. I ran like a little school girl . I know never run from a dog but that dog was mad. I jumped on the hood of my truck and he did too. I didnt want to shot but I knew that dog was not playing around. I felt bad but it could have turned out real bad if i didnt act quick.
We've got bobcats in michigan too. I was taking a piss once, and a bobcat turned out to be on the other side of the bush I was using. As soon as it knew that I saw it, it ran for it.
I don't think I have ever heard of a Great Dane attacking.
The few I have known were big, gentle and just goofy
"Try giving a house cat a bath and then think about it awhile "

I tried that once when I was 8. Never again. That's how I named my cat "Mega Claw".:D
Count me in the deeply sceptical camp. A bobcat is more than enough animal to rip your forearms apart EVEN IF you could catch and pin it down. Not to mention what it could do to your hands if you tried to get it by the neck. Maybe he strangled an old housecat.

Not me...In my years of training dogs, I've "shut down" more thaa a couple German Shepherds, Rottweillers and other 100 lb dogs by grabbing them by the throat and sqeezing their windpipe. Timing is everything, but its quite effective, takes the fight right outa them.
Not me...In my years of training dogs, I've "shut down" more thaa a couple German Shepherds, Rottweillers and other 100 lb dogs by grabbing them by the throat and sqeezing their windpipe. Timing is everything, but its quite effective, takes the fight right outa them.

Why did you have to do that?

And like Stand_Watie said, they really arent all that hard to kill, especially a rabbid one.
It's sad people don't understand how dogs think. We expect them to think like we do, but that's projecting a LOT of human characteristics onto another intelligent but totally separate species. It's unwarranted and it causes a lot of needless tragedies.

Ok, so you have a dog. He's big, but always been a "gentle ben", loves your little kids to pieces, sleeps on the floor next to their bed every night. A perfect family dog. You and the Mrs. are going out one evening, so you call grandma to babysit. She comes over, and everything is peachy keen until you are tying your necktie and hear a commotion downstairs. You run downstairs and ***!! Your "gentle ben" is ripping grandma's throat out! You manage to pull him off, but the damage is done. Soon the cops show up, and the dog menaces them too. Fido goes down in a hail of gunfire. *** just happened to your "perfect family dog"?

Ok, now from the dog's point of view:
I love my family, especially the little ones. Nobody better even think of hurting them. It's night, and now suddenly there's a stranger in the house... think I've seen her before but she smells funny... different than the family, anyway. Better keep an eye on her. Whoa, dad just left the room, leaving the kids with this stranger and only me for protection - condition orange! Suddenly she yells something and lunges for one of the kids, MY KIDS! CONDITION RED! I fend off the attack, suddenly dad is back in the room. It's ok, dad, I took care of the threat, see she's down now. Better not threaten my kids or this family again, lady! What's that noise outside? A strange car, two aggressive looking guys headed this way... they smell like testosterone and adrenaline, OMG the threat's not over yet... snarl a warning at them to keep away from my family! What's that black thing he's taking out off of his belt? he better not come any closer or I'll <BANG> (silence)
Not me...In my years of training dogs, I've "shut down" more thaa a couple German Shepherds, Rottweillers and other 100 lb dogs by grabbing them by the throat and sqeezing their windpipe. Timing is everything, but its quite effective, takes the fight right outa them.

Since when did abusing a domestic dog become the equivalent of killing a fricking BOBCAT with your bare hands? There's a lot of hot air in this thread.
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