Woman shoots carjacker in Two Notch Wal-Mart parking lot

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Mar 4, 2003
Lexington, SC

(Columbia) January 15, 2007 - A man and woman who were shopping at the Wal-Mart on Two Notch Road say a would-be carjacker was not only unsuccessful on Saturday - he is now suffering from a gunshot wound.

Harold Jeffcoat, 29, is the suspect. The victims say the man who tried to rob them came towards them as they were getting into their car and said, "Man, you know what time it is? Give me the keys!" Then they say Jeffcoat pushed his pistol into the man's stomach.

That's when the woman acted. She opened the passenger door and got her pistol from the glove box. She says she fired about five shots at the suspect, who ran away.

Officials say they found Jeffcoat at the Providence NE emergency room. He was there for a gunshot wound to the buttocks.

Jeffcoat is currently at the detention center on a $200,000 bond in this case, and is expected to face additional charges.

Good for her.... to bad she was not a better shot!
YES! I just heard this on the radio on the way into work this morning. He was one of the Midlands Most 25 wanted. And I live right around the corner from that Wal-Mart. Hell, I was there last night at 11:30 to 11:50 while my son was over at Game Stop getting his World of Warcraft update. I guess for now on the pistol goes in the pocket when I go to Wally World.
I stopped by this same store Saturday to pick up some .38 special and the sporting goods guys (they know me real well from all the ammo I buy from them) told me that this wal-mart is now in the process of phasing out guns too. What bothered him the most, and me too, was that they have not gotten any new shipments of ammo and he is afraid of it being phased out too. My nearest location to get ammo is now across town.
Good thing she wasn't a member of the U. S. Border Patrol or she would be on her way to prison!
How far is that from the Interstate? I often stay at the Wingate Inn and eat at the Texas Roadhouse on my way to Jacksonville.

Felt pretty safe but I've got a small area of interest! There's also a gas station right next door! :D
Whoa, I've actually been to that Wal-Mart a few times.

Being relatively new to Columbia, I guess the location is even more surprising because I thought that this was a pretty nice area- it's right near the Village at Sandhills, right? I guess it goes to show that it could happen anywhere.
Right around the corner from me as well. Walmart is the place I ALWAYS carry. Just sit in your car while the wife goes into the store, and see what unsavory characters drive around the parking lot and "case the joint". I almost got robbed in AZ at a walmart when 4 mexican gangbangers followed me to my car. They were about to pull the encircling trick when I pulled a Glock 26 and told them "F off or die".
Walmart is the place I ALWAYS carry.

If you pick and choose your times and places to carry, you might pick wrong or fail to pick right.

Everywhere I can legally carry is where I always carry. Places where I can't carry legally are places I avoid.
How far is that from the Interstate? I often stay at the Wingate Inn and eat at the Texas Roadhouse on my way to Jacksonville.

Felt pretty safe but I've got a small area of interest! There's also a gas station right next door!

Sounds like your stopping off I-77. The Wally World is not too far from the Clemson Rd. exit 80 off of I-20. You are about 5 miles from this store, but in a much worse location. :D Actually, we had a serial killer shoot an employee of Texas Roadhouse and kill him in the parking lot of the Texas Roadhouse grille about 5 years back with a shotgun. He was a local punk trying to make a name for himself before he went to jail.
I'm wondering if he is going to be charged with commiting a crime with a gun within 1000 yards from a school since Spring Valley High School backs up to the Wal-Mart parking lot.
She made two big mistakes !! She had the gun IN THE CAR !! She shot a FLEEING BG. It was by luck that she was able to get the gun. The man was fleeing therefore was no longer a threat so she had no right to shoot ! That may make a big difference in court especially when he sues her !
I suspect that everything happened very quickly and that she didn't really shoot a fleeing badguy. With all the gunfire that was going on, she might have thought that her companion had been shot by the criminal, for one. For two, she might have started shooting at the guy who then turned and showed his ass end to her as he started to run away and then took a round in the cheeks.

Besides... Who knows... The criminal may very well have been looking for cover and readying to fight back. There are too many possibilities here to render judgment based solely on the info available in a 7 line news article.

She didn't necessarily "shoot a fleeing felon."
Fleeing Bad Guy

My guess is he wasn't fleeing when the first shot or two was fired.

That lady seriously needs to work on her gun handling. Gotta make that first shot count.

What's the likelihood that for shots two through five her eyes were only partly open? At that point she probably couldn't have said whether the guy was running: she would have been shooting at a blur.
the news article states she shot at the BG which caused him to run:

She says she fired about five shots at the suspect, who ran away.

i dont see anything wrong with that. +1 for the good guys....or in this case...good girls :)
Notice that the news report correctly identified the "victim" as the good guy who the bad guy was trying to rob? Usually they use the word "victim" for whoever go shot, even if it was the bad guy. This time he was the "suspect" and the innocent people were the "victims." Nice.
I hear a lot of stories like these, where the GG triumphs over the BG. I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but I always marvel at how these accounts make it seem so easy. In this case for example, I'm scratching my head as to how the BG (who was armed) failed to notice the gal opening the glove box to retrieve the weapon. OK, maybe he was methed or cracked out of his skull, but it all seems so surreal to me. Granted, most of these bangers have no concept of tactical or defensive shooting. They just gangsta a piece to a victim's head and expect the booty. I've never been in a fight-or-flight scenario, but my insticts (and training) tell be that confrontation happens in the blink of an eye. Make a mistake, and your a statistic. Any thoughts?
He'll be sitting on an inflatable donut for a while. IMO the BG wasn't intent on bodily harm if the woman fumbled for the gun and had time to shoot with no return fire. But you never know what evil lurks in the hearts of me.
Since when do you have time, in that situation, to consult a mind reader to ascertain BG intent? The fact that he pointed a weapon was intent enough. JMHO

I'm just glad she didn't hit a bystander.
Any of you guys that think the VICTIM that shot the BAD GUY who was holding a Firearm at the time he was popped did the wrong thing are NOT thinking this thing through !

Just because the F'ing CAR JACKER was distanceing himself from the VICTIMS of the crime in no way put them out of danger, how acurate are you with your pistol at 10 yards? how about at 20?.......she was right to shoot him....he started it......I hope, I sincerely hope, he gets a painfull infection and DIES from his wound.

Would that every victim of violent crime act just as this woman did and shoot the perp in the A$% !!! We would all be safer for it ! Good for her and God Bless her !
I can see it now . . .

. . . hours later . . . in the driveway of a nearby home . . .

"Honey, what are these holes in the car??"
"What holes??"
"Right here; there's three of them!?"
This is not some game with rules against shooting in the back. Just because someone has their back to you, or is even moving away, does not mean they are no longer an imminent threat to your life. They could be moving to better position, or to get to cover. Once the mugger has drawn the weapon and threatened to use it, they should be considered a continual threat until they no longer have the weapon or have put it away and left the area. Until then, use every dirty trick you can think of to either escape danger or end the threat. Throw c notes on the ground, distract the bad guy, wait until he turns away, etc. Until HE HAS CHOSEN to stop being a lethal threat, your only safe bet is to assume he plans on following through and killing you in the very near future. Remember, at any time he can drop his weapon and apologize. Any actions you take up to that point are on HIS head, so don't worry about it. If he turns for a moment, let him have it. If you can get a shot at the back of his brainpan, take it. Don't warn, don't hesitate. This is not a game, it's a matter of taking every possible opportunity to save yourself.

As far as her shooting, she did better than most. It's far more difficult to hit with a short gun in those circumstances than most people realized.
story could support the argument that....

even a marginally competant armed citizen, lacking the hundreds of hours of formal training and IDPA competition can still effectively use a concealed weapon to protect themself.

the future lawsuit would have been avoided, of course, if she had popped him with a lethal hit the first shot.
For the record I was not attacking the woman's reaction.

Harold Jeffcoat, 29, is the suspect. The victims say the man who tried to rob them came towards them as they were getting into their car and said, "Man, you know what time it is? Give me the keys!" Then they say Jeffcoat pushed his pistol into the man's stomach.

That's when the woman acted. She opened the passenger door and got her pistol from the glove box. She says she fired about five shots at the suspect, who ran away.

The BG had the guy cold. Opening a door is kind of a obvious act. Rooting through the glove box is kind of obvious as well. The BG could have gut shot the guy and shot the woman if he was so inclined. He had plenty of time. Not having the intestinal fortitude to fire, when attacked, is something people sometimes lack in a crisis situation. That was what I was referencing. Her actions could have very well saved their lives.

Just yesterday was looking at this site.
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