World Court: U.S. Must Stay 3 Executions

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I realize that Mexico saying we're mistreating people is funny but, doesn't anyone else see the precedent this sets of we do abide by this ruling?

The World Court.... What is that, some kind of new TV show?

OK, let me get this straight. The World Court, whose authority we do not necessarily recognize, is saying we have to grant these convicted felons a stay of execution because they're Mexican. Does anybody know if ANYBODY actually recognized the authority of these people? I know what my response would be if they came up and demanded that I do this:

World Court Stooge: "By our authority, we demand you grant a stay of execution."
Me: "Hmmmm...... No."
World Court Stooge: "Ummm. Please?"
Me: "No. Get out."
World Court Stooge: "Awww shucks." as he shuffles out the door.

Is anybody besides me starting to think that the UN is getting just a tad bit self important on things?
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