World's greatest hunters - documentary

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May 4, 2006
I am working on a documentary for one of Britain’s most prestigious TV stations, Channel Four, on big game hunting. The aim of this observational programme is to find, follow and film the most intrepid, adventurous and accomplished hunter on the mission of his life. This can be either completing a grand slam, venturing into new territory or seeking the most elusive. What does it take to bring back that once in a lifetime trophy? A steady hand, anticipating the beast, perseverance or simply luck? Could this be you or someone you know? Let me know if you are interested in sharing your stories or if you or any of your friends are planning any exciting trips in the near future.

Best regards -- Julia
[email protected]
i'm the greatest hunter i know! unfortunately (fortunately?), a job change later this spring and the subsequent move is going to severely truncate my usual hunting/travels.

best of luck w/ your show.
This is the way one becomes "the greatest hunter."

1. Have the money to hire a guide and kill a bunch of animals.
2. Be a writer so one can get publicity and become known as "an expert." If you get in print or on TV, you're automatically an expert.
3. Have a knack for self-advertising and publicity...a gift for gab.

I think to find the world's greatest hunter, you need to inquire and search among Africa's professional hunters. Many of them don't write articles or get on TV but they're the ones who get "the world's greatest hunter" into a position so he can shoot the trophy animals that make one into "the world's greatest hunter." They're also the one's with the big gun that bails out "the world's greatest hunter" when the poorly shot animals is about to make "the world's greatest hunter" into hamburger.

Then there are the "San" or "Bushmen" who can run for miles over rough terrain tracking a leopard while "the world's greatest hunter" rides along in the Land Rover to shoot the leopard and add to his reputation. You can also drop a Bushmen off in the middle of nowhere and he will survive and thrive. The Bushmen you will find probably can't read and much less write so have no chance of ever becoming "the world's greatest hunter."
1. Have the money to hire a guide and kill a bunch of animals.

I think another record keeping system is in order, we have Roland and Wards record book, Boone and Crockett record book, Pope and Young record book, maybe its time for "check Book" for these types.:D
The professional hunter angle sounds like a good lead, Grumulkin. Do you have any suggestions for anyone in particular?

Shame about you cutting back your hunting activities, Dakotasin. Do you have any suggestions of who might be the second best hunter -- after you? ;-)

Will also check out the books.

Many thanks for your insights.

Best -- Julia

The mere fact that you claim to be producing this for a British audience makes me extremely suspect of your intentions and spin on this project.

The shear amount of unadulterated and virulent anti hunting sentiment I see coming out of the UK is mind boggling.

All one needs to do is read the recent series of articles coming from the Daily about HHK Safaris and poor little Prince Harry's sweet girl friend’s dad the owner of HHK to see that pro-hunting anything is not going to sell in the UK mainstrem market.

It seems to me the UK as a majority wants to see B.S. stories about evil rich Americans shooting poor defenseless "endangered" animals for fun while the safari operators who pimp these hunts while amassing obscene fortunes, abuse and demean the noble savages who are enslaved by this evil empire of sport hunting. (Sound familiar?)

Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Yet I have not seen one single article written in the British press about the benefits and real world conservation big game hunting provide. Not to mention jobs income and other security the industry provides in many parts of the third world.

If you are planning on telling the truth and not spinning this in the boringly predictable modern day "evil hunters shoots innocent animal, environment suffers." format. I'd be more than happy to help point you in the direction of some of the worlds best professional hunters and world renowned sport hunters.

Somehow since you've mentioned TV, Prestigious and British I doubt very seriously that you are planning on spinning this in a positive light for the hunters highlighted on your program.

Am I wrong ?

If so please feel free to PM me.



Karmonjo Bell has been dead for over 50 years. I'd not think he'd be much fun on the set.
Julia, welcome to the High Road and the Hunting forum. I commend to you some ofour commentary in this thread:

I'm not sure how one would define "World's greatest hunter".

Individual skill at finding the more wary trophy-sized animals? To me, that's an important facet of hunting, if length of horn is important.

Or, skill at finding game in an area of sparse population? That's more within the dictionary definition of "hunting"

The popular version, I'd guess, would have to do with number of species and size of trophies. I'm guessing, but I'd think that contacting the Safari Club would provide some names that might work out for your project. (Safari Club International? I'm unsure. Try Google.)

If you're inclined to do some background reading about hunting, Robert Ruark's "The Old Man and the Boy" is as good a treatise on the ethics of life and of hunting as has ever been written by anybody. Also, Ortega y Gasset's "Meditations on Hunting", if I have that title correct.

You'll note that if you visit here much at all, you'll find a bunch of people who are rather rigid on the subject of ethics, fair chase and clean kill--aklong with "good of the species".



"If your corporation's project would mess up the hunting and fishing, don't do it."
julia- this board is a good start - you might also look in on some of the more dedicated hunting forums (this is a gun forum that also has a hunting area, where a hunting forum is a hunting forum that usually includes an area for guns - big focus-area difference). is a real good start and features many industry professionals (writers, pro hunters, and record holders). some of the hunting skill and talent over there (24 hour campfire) is simply amazing.

good luck w/ your project - when i initially ready your desires, i was thinking the same thing h&h hunter was, only i didn't 'verbalize' it - and i'm hoping he is mistaken. again, good luck!
I recently met a guy who sport hunts six months out of the year, with at least several hunts out of the US every year (including 2-3 in Africa) and probably close to another dozen in the US. I would bet that he would be keen on seeing his exploits documented (but not for the wrong purpose).
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