WORST firearm moment in a movie

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Way of the Gun

Scene: Jumping into the water fountain containing glass.
That is one of the most excruciatingly excellent scenes in modern cinema. I was lucky enough to catch WotG in theaters, and man, when that happened, everyone in the theater cringed...all six of us.
I think it was in the movie Dropzone, when Wesley Snipes and some bad guy were shooting it out in an empty office building, and then they both ended up pointing their semi-automatic handguns at each other's faces.

Both slides were in battery.

One guy (forgot which) pulls the trigger -- on an empty chamber. The other guy then figures he has the first guy dead to rights, and pulls his trigger -- also on an empty chamber.

The gist of this absolutely stupid, inane plot device is that of, "Whoops, didn't realize I'd fired my last shot!"

But, these are semi-automatic handguns! You'd KNOW if you'd fired your last shot -- your slide would be locked back!

They Blew up a Tanker Rig...

...in "Thelma & Louise"

...When the 2 girls each took a pot-shot (with a 2" .38 Dick Special and a Colt 1911 .45 ACP)...

...and then, that nasty ol' redneck's big gasoline tanker rig BLEW UP, just like that! Huge fireball, too!

Wow! Amazing shooting. They musta been using some of that incendiary (API) evil Assault Weapon ammo, no doubt. You know, the kind that shoots through man-hole covers, bulldozer blades, and is readily purchased by any terrorist at the corner sporting goods store when he wants to go shoot down airplanes, etcetera.

But then, it WAS a Chick Flick (and we wonder why most women are so gun-dumb... and anti-gun).
Two movies come to mind, both with Steven Segal.
Half Past Dead
They're in the prison, and I believe it's Segal that jumps through a broken window opening. The bad guy comes into the room, firing a semi-automatic handgun. Now the funny part is that just out to the bad guy's front there was a table about waist high with all sorts of glass stuff on it.The guy's firing the gun and like 2 feet right under the gun all the glass just starts suddenly exploding and fragmenting all over. As if the bullet went out 1 foot, and did a 90 degree turn downward. LMAO this part is especially funny if you've got a decent buzz going.

The other Segal movie.
He's fighting this guy, handgun vs. crossbow. They're going back and forth, Segal is totally owning the bolts fired from the crossbow with his handgun. Segal runs out of ammo or something and then there is a Mexican Standoff. The guy fires a bolt at Segal. Segal then turns around, grabs a sword. He then turns to face the incoming bolt. He raises the sword above his head and then manages to perfectly split the bolt in half with one downward blow from this thing. How do you turn around, grab a sword, lift it way over your head, then swing the sword, all while the bolt is flying at you at probably 300 miles per hour from 20 feet away?!?!

Windtalkers took a good idea (codetalkers) and made BAD movie... nobody misses, amerindian throws a knife (antler handled not balanced for throwing) when he has a RIFLE in his hand... the never empty 1911... etc etc.

Maybe the worst ever handling... Firewalker starring Lou Gosset Jr. And Chuck Norris... or the Sharon Stone/Richard Chamberlain version of King Solomon's Mines.

I could bring up the 80's horror fest of gold lame jumpsuited commandos that was MegaForce but you've had enough.
The beginning sequence of "The Getaway" with Alec Baldwin (I know...groan).

It is showing Baldwin & Bassinger on the range target shooting in slow-mo. The Sig fires its last round and locks back and there is this funny bore-snake thing sticking out the ejection port. (Maybe that is what gives all these guns a mind of their own??)

Also, before the final shootout scene, Baldwin goes into a gun store and wants to buy an HK M3 12ga. The proprieter tells him that his cousin/relative uses one to duck hunt with but claims ignorance as to why "cause there wouldn't be anything left." (note: I too have had this problem, but only with guns painted black-they just leave HUGE craters in the landscape. can't see a single reason anyone would hunt with an AR-15. Why, that .223 would just blast that little-ole deer to bits).

Other than that, pretty decent gun handling skills...
Two movies come to mind, both with Steven Segal.
Half Past Dead
They're in the prison, and I believe it's Segal that jumps through a broken window opening. The bad guy comes into the room, firing a semi-automatic handgun. Now the funny part is that just out to the bad guy's front there was a table about waist high with all sorts of glass stuff on it.The guy's firing the gun and like 2 feet right under the gun all the glass just starts suddenly exploding and fragmenting all over. As if the bullet went out 1 foot, and did a 90 degree turn downward. LMAO this part is especially funny if you've got a decent buzz going.

Why do you disbelieve? The Warren Commission proved that is entirely possible.
worst gun handling ever. Missing in Action with Chuck Noris. Now I am pretty forgiving in gun handling stuff. Willing to suspend belive for a good movie. This movie just SUCKED though. Bullet proof kevlar assult rafts. Chuck comming up out of the water with a M60 firing from the hip and killing all the evil VC. Chuck taking on the entire VC army, etc...
In Pulp Fiction, Samuel L. Jackson points what is clearly a .45acp 1911 at the little english guy. He says, "...And Mr. 9mm here is the shephard protecting my rightous ass."
In Pulp Fiction, Samuel L. Jackson points what is clearly a .45acp 1911 at the little english guy. He says, "...And Mr. 9mm here is the shephard protecting my rightous ass."

Except that he was using a Star BM in 9mm.
I’ll interpret worst to include unbelievable in this instance and go with the scene in "Death Wish 3" where Charles Bronson runs around the ghetto mowing down gang bangers with a Browning 1919 machinegun. I love that scene, but it is kind of silly.

I watched the remake of "The Flight of the Phoenix" this week. The old one was better. But anyway, there is a scene where the pilot takes off running towards some Chinese bandits with what looks like a 1911 with a very tall front sight. I said *** is that. But when he double taps two or three separate bad guys from 100 yards I said "that’s why he needs a tall front sight"!
The scene in "Last man standing" where Bruce Willis propels the guy out the door and through the air with a pair of 45 autos pretty well ruined my enjoyment of the movie from then on. Utterly ridicules.

Also a big movie turn off is the two handed pistol shooting, often done in slow motion, and you can clearly see both guns wagging back and forth as the actor (certainly not a shooter) pulls the triggers. They then have the gaul to show the "results" of the shooting and they shots are making good hits. Dang! I wish I could shoot two handed like that while flying through the air. I just wonder why they could shoot so good when jumping/flying and they missed so much before when they were standing stiill behind cover?
The scene is predator where the one little guy is carrying a gattling gun and firing it from the hip.
Kalashnikov said:
The scene is predator where the one little guy is carrying a gattling gun and firing it from the hip.
Gotta love that one! :D

Although, Jesse Ventura doesn't exactly qualify as a 'little guy' where I come from ;)

world.guns.ru have a piece specifically on that gun.
Scroll down to: 'Hollywood Miniguns: Predator vs. common sense.'

Hollywood Flinch or are they afraid?

Can any one tell me how the really "tough Action heros" hit anything that they are shooting at?

They all enjoy a really terrible flinch they each and every time they pull the trigger!

Lethal weapon 1-4 both the heros flinch bad
Laura Croft- really bad
Lost Treasure-The lead flinches so bad you think he is going to drop the weapon.
Texas Ranger-he should keep to kick boxing
Tom Cruse is a joke with a gun as are all of them

John Wayne and Clint Eastwood: neither of them flinched, maybe they were actually good with a gun. James Garner was a professional Pistolero!
Any Ed Wood movie

The title was The plan from planet X or something like that. The detective was using the barrel of his pistol to scratch his head. I need to find it on DVD and incorporate it into my safety classes.
bad movie gun scenes

In Ghandhi, I could not get outraged at the stadium massacre scene,
not because I am totally insensitive, but because the British soldiers were
obviously ejecting CRIMPED BLANK CARTRIDGES from their SMLEs.

The cop scratching head with gun: Plan 9 From Outer Space!
There is a night scene in 'The Patriot', with Mel Gibson, where he rears up while riding a horse and shoots into the air with a single-shot blackpowder pistol. The problem is that just a second later, he shoots yet again with the same pistol! That must be the quickest BP reload in history, and one handed too.

99% of the movies where the shooter fails to reload after about a million shots.
Ignorance is bliss to the general moviegoer. People I watch movies with get upset with me when I point out firearm mistakes, scientific fallacies, etc. Certain movies I can suspend my disbelief and still enjoy it on a whole, like a good zombie slasher film.

Other movies...its just too much to swallow, like sci-fi movie which are more fantasy-fi than science-fi (ie The Core).
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