Would Hillary in 2008 be a good thing?

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Boss Spearman said:
I hope the declaration by the Attorney General eventually forces cities and states that violate the 2nd Amendment to reverse their decisions.

Hmm? Even though ratified after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment does not effectively apply to States until the Supreme Court says it does, one article of the BoR at a time.

SCOTUS really means Social Consequence Obfuscation Tribunal of the United States.

There are technical difficulties in even approaching the Court with a case and no reason to expect that they would hear the case. They couldn't be anymore evasive about taking on the 2A squarely. Hearing less than 100 cases a year, the gun question is not on their radar. Clerks to the Court screen these cases. Only John Roberts can really effect what the clerks think is important to recommend for the Court's consideration.

The Court is not required to comment why they deny a hearing for a case. That's the part that really galls me. I think it is an abuse of due process.
Does anyone think China could have pulled off space flight without Willy Boy Billy giving them our nation's most powerful computers?! Made their I.C.B.M. missiles pretty darned accurate too.



There is a big problem with your conclusion in the quoted question. The Chines purchased the technology for the capsule, the booster, mission control, and even the spacesuits from the Russians. Last I checked, Russian technology was capable of space flight without any of our computers-powerful or weak. You might want to check into the numbers of Chinese ICBM's also. The entire nuclear arsenal of China has exactly one meaning in the context of being used against the US: national suicide. They have the means to hurt us badly in a nuclear attack. Even if they pulled off a first strike, they don't have what it would take to prevent the total annihilation of every Chinese city and military base in the US retaliation. And they are a long, long way from gaining a capability of going head to head with us. They've got a big military. But their force projection capability is severely limited. Technologically, they are yet to reach the level the Soviets reached in the late eighties. Saddam had the best military technology that the Soviets ever produced in 1991. We ran all over it. The Chinese have not reached that level of technology. I wouldn't want to fight them near their borders. If I were Japanese, I'd be damned worried and building up a strong military fast. But they're a long way from an effective blue water navy or a strategic air force. We had a big technological lead over the Soviets. We have an enormous lead over the Chinese.

Hilary for President? Lord, spare your suffering children! That woman is meaner than a snake after a baby bird. I never have been able to blame Slick for running around on her. I'd rather find a rattlesnake in my bed than her.
I can only recall one top law enforcement officer ever saying that the
2nd Amendment is an individual right not a collective right, and that
was John Ashcroft. Who appointed him ? We all know.

Who do you think the wicked witch from the east would pick if elected ?
How bout Reid, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Reed, etc. Do you
really want to wake up one day seeing any of these people as Atty Gen ?


If anything Gonzales should be a wake up call.
RealGun said:
Which is worse, President Hillary or AG Chuck Schumer? Yikes!!:eek:

Feinstein is not an attorney.

John Ashcroft for the GWB Administration.
"While some have argued that the Second Amendment guarantees only a 'collective' right of the States to maintain militias, I believe the Amendment's plain meaning and original intent prove otherwise. Like the First and Fourth Amendments, the Second Amendment protects the rights of 'the people,' which the Supreme Court has noted is a term of art that should be interpreted consistently throughout the Bill of Rights. ... Of course, the individual rights view of the Second Amendment does not prohibit Congress from enacting laws restricting firearms ownership for compelling state interests ... just as the First Amendment does not prohibit [government from legislating against] shouting 'fire' in a crowded movie theater. "

And Charles Schumer.
"The broad principle that there is an individual right to bear arms is shared by many Americans, including myself. I'm of the view that you can't take a broad approach to other rights, such as First Amendment rights, and then interpret the Second Amendment so narrowly that it could fit in a thimble. But I'm also of the view that there are limits on those rights. Just as you can't falsely shout fire in a crowded movie theater, you can put restrictions on who can own guns and how, when, and where they may be possessed."
Interesting pair of quotes, Derby. If the Schumer quote is accurate, I have to give him a lot more credit than some of his peers (Feinstein, Kennedy, Kerry).

The difference between the two quotes is not so much what they say as what they don’t say. What do they consider reasonable limits ?

Registration ? .22 caliber or smaller ? No semi-automatics of any sort ? Possession of 50 rounds of ammo or less ? Guns and ammo have to be stored locked and 30 yards apart ?

If one of the above says “yes” and the other says “no” to all of the above, then they’re saying two very different things between the lines.
Hillary is just about one thing - sustained unbridled infernal psychotic ambition. Everything else is subject to that obsession. Thus she is nobody's puppet, but also nobody's keeper.

I predict she will run, win, and rule the country with an iron fist, like a mad self-styled emperor. If she feels benevolent, she may do something positive about a few issues; if not, all shall loathe her and dispair...

Ave Hillary, morituri te salutant!

I (i pray) doubt it will happen. Especially after Ted Kennedy stated publicly that he would not back her as a candidate in '08.
Actually that could be a good thing for her. That would indicate she's not liberal, and had become the "muddle of the road" person needed to become POTUS.:barf:

Personally, remember that even if the Congress doesn't become Anti-2A, the POTUS can, via executive orders, impact things. Remember BATF's ban on parts imports? She can still impact all of our rights, not to mention bank accounts.

All I can say is that the prospects scare the daylights out of me, and I'm fearless:what:
R.H. Lee said:
One thing is for sure. Bush is making it very difficult for the next Republican nominee.
Yes he is. Bush and DeLay. They are such screw-ups. Bush seems to have lost it somewhere along the way. I think he really believes he's on some kind of jihad, woops, I mean crusade.
Hillary is just about one thing - sustained unbridled infernal psychotic ambition. Everything else is subject to that obsession. Thus she is nobody's puppet, but also nobody's keeper.

I predict she will run, win, and rule the country with an iron fist, like a mad self-styled emperor. If she feels benevolent, she may do something positive about a few issues; if not, all shall loathe her and dispair...

sounds about right unfortunately. it would be interesting to see if there was any noticable differnce with a woman in charge, but Hillary? i dont want to see htat experiment through.

my mom got to meet Hillary, she WAS a supporter, but after meeting her, well, the above quote isnt that far from her description
twoblink, you have given me a new sig!

As for Hillary...she might be a good thing, because everyone that votes for her in 2008 will vote staunch conservative in 2012 to get rid of the witch...unless they're in the camps with the rest of us. :uhoh:


I didn't read all the posts but remember the President can issue an Executiive Order. Don't put it past Hillary to just bypass congress all together
I believe we are screwed either way. Seems like this nation is running on inertia from the past century, stopping about the 80's.

Its only a matter of time before that inertia catches up to us. Very few large nations last more than a few hundred years before burning out, after that the country has a massive change. The larger the nation the fewer years before change.

Doesnt seem like ittl matter in the long term if we get a republican or a Democrat. More likely than not i believe we shall have a Democrat next term, like it matters...
This has got to be a JOKE! Hillary for POTUS? Come on. As one of the many who suffered 12 years of the Clintons in the great state of Arkansas. (before 8 years of POTUS) I can tell you she won't carry her home state. Arkansas I meant, Since she is carpet bagging in NY now. By the way you New Yorker's never cease to amaze me. If this woman is elected POTUS it will be a sad day for this country!
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