Would this cause an uproar if introduced?

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Dude, You need to find a hobby or something to occupy your time.

Besides, my cars and truck would be grandfathered in so I 'm not worried. ;)
Everytime there is a well publicized fatality involving street racing or someone driving way over the speed limit in a high performance car, the various web forums devoted to car enthusiasts are full of "the sky is falling" posts about the government enacting new speed limits, banning engines above a certain horsepower, etc.
Mike the Wolf,

Not all "street cars" are driven on the street 100% of the time.

This is the problem in society...

Having nitrous oxide installed on your car is not the problem - irresponsible street racing is the problem. Nitrous oxide does not make you an irresponsible street racer, and not having it does not mean you are a responsible driver.

Gun ownership is not the problem - the problem is criminal activity. Having a gun does not make you a criminal, and not having an gun does not mean you're an upstanding citizen.
I personally think nitrous oxide should be banned from all street-legal vehicles, though. Let's face reality: there is no legitimate use for it on a street vehicle, at all. The only legitimate use for it is for racing at the track, and even then it's very dangerous. Any passenger vehicle with such a system installed should be automatically rendered non-street legal.

And yes, I can see all the anti-censorship people coming out against me on this. But honestly, what legitimate reason can you come up with for allowing it to be installed on a street vehicle? It effectively turns the vehicle into a bomb waiting to happen should it get into a rear-end accident, and using it anywhere but the track would be illegal and dangerous. There's lots of good reasons against allowing it, and none for it.

I personally think Assault Rifles should be banned from all non-law enforcement and military civilians, though. Let's face reality: there is no legitimate use for them in civilian hands, at all. The only legitimate use for it is for law enforcement and military use, and even then it's very dangerous. Any weapon with such a style should be automatically confiscated and destroyed.

And yes, I can see all the anti-communist people coming out against me on this. But honestly, what legitimate reason can you come up with for allowing assault rifles in civilian hands? It effectively turns a neighborhood into a battlefield waiting to happen should these get into the wrong hands, and using it anywhere but the range would be illegal and dangerous. There's lots of good reasons against allowing it, and none for it.

Imposing on personal freedoms in the name of safety kind of sucks, huh?
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Would this cause an uproar if introduced?

I would vote for it because I have no interest in high-powered cars.

AND this is just the problem we face when it comes to guns. There are a large number of people that are ambivilant when it comes to guns and can be swayed by clever anti-gun types into thinking that all guns are dangerous and we don't need them in the first place. The anti's have successfully launched a campaign that has convinced many of the disinterested that they are more likely to be harmed by a gun than saved by a gun. So, they would be better off if there were no guns.
Actually, race cars were heavily regulated by the NRCA of 1934 which imposed a 200.00 tax on cars that could actually go fast. In 1986 the Car Owners Protection Act, while greatly easing the burden of interstate driving, was amended at the last minute by Hughes effectively freezing the high speed car supply pool at 1986 levels.

Don't be misled. The 1994 act does not address race cars. It addresses racing stripes, cosmetic spoilers, dysfunctional mufflers and stickers - most particularly "R" stickers. The cars themselves don't go any faster than any other similar cars - they just look like cars driven in sanctioned races.

They screamed that when the act sunset in 2004 school parking lots would be bathed in 8 cylinder, rear drive, NASCAR racers but these things are still not street legal and cost well into 6 figures for those tenacious few willing to jump through the hoops to own one. Putting stickers and slicks on mom's 4 cylinder front drive does not a race car make.

the poseur vehicle's menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion ..[that] anything that looks like a race car is assumed to be a race car - can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these vehicles.

("Garish Vehicles and Accessories in America" [Washington Education Fund to End Street Racing and Aftermarket Part Watch] Sep 2188, p. 26)
Fast cars are not for driving kids to school. They're good for nothing but killing a lot of people.
I believe there are already certain states, I think California is one, where if there are too many street racing incidents with a suped-up car, they confiscate and crush the car while you watch.[/QUOTE

..and then they make ya eat it!:eek:
I'm goin' say "NO" for a hundred, Alex!

Very well written legislation. The OP didn't leave out anything. I'll bet that will closely resemble the "common sense gun laws" that our new King Hussein will be pushing.

Also, some of you guys need to go back to DU !:cuss:
Seriously,The Wolf is right.Playing ''too fast,too furious'' on the street,with no real training is just asking to get somebody killed.It just happened two weeks ago,up here.''Drag raceing'',I don't know if Nitrous was involved or not,but the driver that killed the 14 year old girl,and injred her mom is looking at a life sentence.

But how is that different from playing Rambo on the street, no real training, gets in a messy situation - takes a couple shots in self-defense and kills a few innocent bystanders - say a 14yo girl and her mom....

Again, devil's advocate and all...

(It is two parts nitrogen to one part oxygen, BTW.)

it's "N02" which would signify 1 nitrogen atom, 2 oxygen atoms per molecule. Hate to nitpick but..
Of course the voting public should never be able to subvert the Constitution.
Except, isn't that what just occurred in CA with Prop 8.
One group decides something is "not acceptable" and.... "poof" it supersedes the Constitution. Doncha hate when that happens?! Ya better!

Critgit... if you can point to the Amendment in the constitution that mentions Gay Marriage, would be appreciated.

Oh, you weren't aware that it isnt in there? aww, so sorry.
I believe there are already certain states, I think California is one, where if there are too many street racing incidents with a suped-up car, they confiscate and crush the car while you watch.

..and then they make ya eat it!
I'm goin' say "NO" for a hundred, Alex!


That is correct - they will in fact crush your car.
It's not so much if you get caught racing, it's that when you get caught racing, they go through your car with a fine tooth comb. If they find a single part from a stolen car - say bye bye. Apparently, that's rather common. Common enough that they crush a good deal of cars from what I understand.
Critgit... if you can point to the Amendment in the constitution that mentions Gay Marriage, would be appreciated.

Oh, you weren't aware that it isnt in there? aww, so sorry.

You know - when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution, some argued against it. Some said "some short-sighted person might come along some day, and think that these are the ONLY rights a person has..."

What in the world would make them think that?

Lets assume you have two hunters one is old and wise. the other is young and inexperienced.

The wise old man gives the young hunter a bolt action rifle, the wise one takes a AR25 (rem ar 308.).

They take after the woods to find the elusive "Tirty Point Buck". after hours of walking they spot him about 150 yards away. The wise one tells the young one to shoot,
BANG.. the young inexperienced lad hits the buck. but it was a bad gut shot. Knowing this could happen the wise one jumps into action rotates the safety lever to SEMI AUTO and takes aim at the now running Buck moving further and further away.

BANG.BANG.BANG..........THWOP. thank god that animal does not have to suffer.

Now the young one has learned he has to Practice and the wise one has found another use for a SEMI AUTO Rifle.

Any one else have a story to tell about the Numerous uses of a SEMI AUTO!
Pack of Wolves attack!
America Gets Invaded buy rouge nation!
Farmer Joe has a Coyote problem.
Johny sportsman Winn's the M1 challenge at Camp Perry!
Proposition 8 is an amendment to the state constitution.

Like it or not, it's not subverting anything, unless you think that all constitutional amendments subvert the constitution.

If you ask me, a simple majority is too low a threshold for an amendment. However, nothing was "subverted."
You can buy a bike that will do 200mph right off the shelf. Only need to be 16 to ride it on the street. Lots of kids are killed every year on these things.:what: We need "common sense motorcycle laws" :rolleyes:


We don't need more laws, we need more common sense..........................
Cigarettes kill more people than guns and no one has outlawed them yet.

Actually - in certain places, yes they have.
I don't just mean in bars or public buildings - but there are entire towns where Smoking is 100% prohibited. Marina Del Rey if i'm not mistaken is one of them.
I was making a point about how the quoted post sacrifices personal liberties for safety, and how those same arguements are made by the anti-gun lobby. I am fully aware of the usefulness of semi-automatic weapons. I thought my post was clear enough in its intent, but I guess it wasn't.
I went back and reread it, your right I see what you were trying to do, Sorry! that said its a good story for future arguments.
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