would you be upset if your family tried to dictate how you carry?

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Hell, I'd be upset if my family told me how to eat Cheerios.
I guess I'm lucky while most of my family thinks my interest in guns is obsessive they're not anti. They treat me as more of an oddity than a blacksheep.
Last month my uncle came to visit from Ala. when he asked to see my gun (trying a new concealment rig that didn't work well) I unloaded it and handed it to him, my mom was surprised to see that I carried a loaded gun.I explained to her that an unloaded gun is just an ugly paperweight she looked confused and then laughed at her own silliness. That's the most problems I've ever had from my birth family.
My mom is not really anti she just has no use for guns that's man's business.
I just gave my father his first gun he has owned in 25 years and his first handgun.
And my stepfather has no use for handguns because "you cain't hit nuttin wth em". He don't have no teeth so he talks funny.
hank, my immediate family (and a few non-immediate) know i carry, so when i go to my mothers home i occasionally take off the concealing garment.

balog, MOHAA = Medal Of Honor Allied Assault. its a first-person shooter computer game i play online. computer ai sucks as an opponent, but playing against other real people is a huge challenge.
Ah, never played that one. Love the "Firearms" mod for Half-Life, tho.
Oh, and IMHO a good relationship with one's family is never worth losing the ability to defend yourself by the most effective means. And this coming from someone with a very close relationship with his family. Some things are worth risking a relationship over. My family didn't like my getting married or joining the Marine Corps. I damaged my relationship with them by doing these (and other) things. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. Some things are worth the sacrifice.
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