Would you feel good about killing in self defense?

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I wouldn't feel good about taking another life and anyone who does needs to check into a mental health facility.

Thats how I feel. It would be tuff but I would do what I had to do to protect my Family. I also get the opinion that some people talk big when online but that is just talk. I am sure that the feelings would change if they had to pull the trigger. After all this is the High Road !!!
No one knows how they'd really react until it's them.

Some guys I know puked their guts out and spent a lot of time waking up screaming. Others shrugged and got on with their gratefully extended lives. Most seem to fall somewhere in the middle, more often than not excaberated by the uncertain possibility of prosecution hanging over their heads for months.

That being said, I question the necessity of feeling bad that some elements of our culture places on those who have killed in the process of justly defending themselves/their families/their nation.

Basically, the unspoken cultural attitude is that if you don't feel bad/have ptsd/wake up with nightmares/have deep crisis of remorse and regret, there's something deeply and clinically, and possibly criminally wrong with you, and failure to pay homage at this altar casts you under suspicion.

I'm not convinced that needs to the the case, and there's a huge difference between "can be traumatized" and "MUST be traumatized".
I think thats a post worth quoting. I do think to some extent its possible people are socialized to feel bad about their actions even if they were just. Having to take a life should not be an event to celebrate, but someone who had to do so to protect their life from someone trying to do them harm shouldn't be conditioned to feel like they did something bad or wrong in doing so.
I am sure that the feelings would change if they had to pull the trigger.

Of that you can be sure.

but someone who had to do so to protect their life from someone trying to do them harm shouldn't be conditioned to feel like they did something bad or wrong in doing so.

I don't think it comes from feeling that you've done something bad or wrong.
It comes from the fact that you've just killed somebody, regardless of the need or purpose. Even if you had no choice in the matter...it still won't be conducive to a good night's sleep.
We live in a nice area with a fairly low crime rate. A couple of years ago there was some construction going on in my complex. It was early afternoon when the doorbell rang. I watched the stranger through the window blind. He was persistently trying to look through the window and seemed nervous.

When he opened the utility door in the entry way (which makes an easy ladder to the roof) I knew he was about to climb to the second floor. I keep a Glock 26 .9mm close for home protection. I could have very easily just watched him climb to the 2nd floor and waited for him to break in the upstairs bedroom window.

Instead I opened the front door as he was starting to climb the doors and confronted him. I kept the Glock hidden in the small of my back. He said he was looking for "Mike" (my name is NOT Mike) I told him to wait while I went to get "Mike". I really went for the phone. By the time I returned with phone in hand and 911 on the line - he was making a very quick exit in a car with an accomplice. I only got a partial license plate number.

I honestly feel like if I hadn't stepped out when I did I would have ended up shooting this guy in my bedroom. I don't regret not ambushing him which would have been all too easy... and legal.

I wonder if it would have effected my property value!?!?
I'd feel good about continuing to live. I'd feel bad that i had to kill someone else to accomplish that.
Look up the term "Mark of Cain" and you'll see that most people not only don't feel good about killing someone, they tend to feel ostracized.

Your post started as

"As I read these threads about carrying and using firearms in self defense, I get the impression that some people would actually feel good about taking a life in the process of defending themselves or someone close to them."

And you even added

"Some even make it sound like they would feel good about killing in defense of property."

As far as the first issue, I would never want to take another life to protect or defend my myself or anyone else. However, I am not able to kick everyone's arse and not everyone fights fare. So in my opinion, I like to carry, will use a firearm if necessary, and won't feal any remorse if forced to do so. To answer question #1 though bluntly (I would NOT feel good about taking a life in the process).

As far as the 2nd issue, in my opinion, defending property is not as high as defending human life, (mine or my family). However, if some punk or sh*t bird is stealing, burning, or jacking with my property with no regard, then sure I will defend. If I can't get him to stop with my words, then I go to the law. If that doesn't work then I go with my body. If that doesn't work then I go with weapons. Then let the law tell me if I am wrong or right.

Just my opinion amigo.

The Dove
i would not like to have to take a life. but if it came to that i would not hesitate, i rather have them back down and leave or myself/loved ones get away unharmed.
In the long run I doubt I could regret it if it was the right thing to do. The ensuing legal and social mess for myself and my family would probably have a more prolonged affect on me than a righteous shooting.

Honestly I hope I never have to find out. I just need to believe I would make the right choice at the right time and follow through.
I'm not sure I understand this (the ones who are eagerly collecting "cool" rifles for "when the SHTF!" -- I simply assume that they are young and under the influence of Hollywood.) I've got a cool rifle for use when the SHTF, and for other times as well. While I hope it doesn't come to this, if we're without power in January after another nine pointer and people are hungry (as they certainly would be) I'll use that rifle to arrange for the tragic suicide of a local ungulate, get out the big pot and keep a couple dozen people alive for a few more days.
There are folks who keep a few good guns around, just like they keep car insurance and a smoke alarm. Then there are folks who spend many hours on the internet -- and many more in their minds -- discussing best gun/caliber/whatever for every whacky scenario they can think of, with a strong and easily detectable undercurrent of "Man, I'm gonna be a hero when I'm the one who saves all the sheeple. Then they'll be sorry they thought I was just a paranoid internet gamer!" thrown in, of course.

Actually, I think the OP's point is quite simple: it's one thing to be prepared, and another thing to barely conceal one's glee at the prospect of shooting a bunch of bad guys (followed shortly by international acclaim, of course.) I think whomever it was that mentioned the "first-person shooter" deal was spot-on.
I believe my life would not EVER be the same.Taking a LIFE is not what carrying protection is about,its about protecting My life and the life of My family!If you feel good about taking another human life ,we'll youre just sick.I take carrying VERY serious and pray the day never comes.
Good point Mr. McGraw - about your signature, if I was going to inventory my guns online I would include my gun safe too ;)
.38 Special said:
There are folks who keep a few good guns around, just like they keep car insurance and a smoke alarm. Then there are folks who spend many hours on the internet -- and many more in their minds -- discussing best gun/caliber/whatever for every whacky scenario they can think of, with a strong and easily detectable undercurrent of "Man, I'm gonna be a hero when I'm the one who saves all the sheeple. Then they'll be sorry they thought I was just a paranoid internet gamer!" thrown in, of course.

Actually, I think the OP's point is quite simple: it's one thing to be prepared, and another thing to barely conceal one's glee at the prospect of shooting a bunch of bad guys (followed shortly by international acclaim, of course.) I think whomever it was that mentioned the "first-person shooter" deal was spot-on.

I read an article about the "lunatic fringe" and SHTF scenarios recently that pretty much went along those same lines. Some people here seem obsessed with the end of the world as we know it and how they're going to survive, and most of their "survival" plans involve having the right gun(s) and a lot of ammo so they can defend their meager home pantries and then fight their way to (and through) what's left of the grocery store AFTER a disaster happens. When they talk about the parts that involve taking down other desperate humans most effectively, there is an eerie element of glee in their posts sometimes. It really sounds like they're talking about video game tactics instead of survival.

Original text here

Warlord on Alpha Disaster Contingencies said:
A Lot of the Lunatic fringe just can't make it in society and want The Stuff To Hit The Fan because they think that by having a few supplies, and some guns, they can be "Important" or "a Leader" or "People will quit making fun of them (maybe even do some bowing and scraping)" if Society will just hurry up and collapse... Folks, That's Lunacy!! If you have to hope for the system to be torn down to below your level before you feel good about yourself.. you need a little professional help.. And (again, As I have said for Years) "Powerful people are powerful by nature".. if you put them in a disaster, or on a desert Island with 20 people, they will Still gain power... they will gain power in Any environment... it's simply in their nature... the setting is incidental, whether we consider these people good or bad.

The Guy that can't get the respect he feels he deserves Right Now, is not going to get that respect After TSHTF either. That's a proven fact... History, and countless disasters, proves this out time after time.

Sadly, There are a lot of these people that Want to see society torn down so that They can be "better off" finally. They feel "cheated" in life, they feel like someone is holding them back (someone is.. *themselves*!)

I feel a lot better knowing that my family and I will be around long after the trash for which you bleed are nothing but an excuse.

Shame on you.

Jim Griffith
I agree with geekwitha.45. Why is it a must to feel bad about protecting our rights, our freedom, our family, our life? If someone presents a situation where I feel the need to fire my weapon, why should I feel bad? The question wasn't how we would feel about going to a mall, to a school, or to a church and shooting innocent people. I am assuming it was in the vain of being someone at the mall that is being shot at and responding to save your life and/or the lives of others. In that vain, why should one feel bad other than for the general sinfulness of the world that causes pain, sorrow, and death?
No, I did not, and have no use for retractions.

The idea of the original post remains clear, and is offensive to me.

I have no quarrel with you, Sir, but appreciate your consideration.
The idea of the original post remains clear, and is offensive to me.
You're offended by someone who has fought and killed for his country and now questions the apparent eagerness with which some folks around here anticipate a violent encounter?

I wouldn't feel good about it. Nevertheless I wouldn't hesitate to shoot if my life was threatened. I want to be here for my wife and kids.
Perceptions obviously vary, though I find that people tell more with the questions they ask than the answers they give.
griff, i don't really know how you came to such a conclusion. Grandpa Shooter was clearly disturbed by some of the more blood thursty posts (as i am sometimes) and wished to make people think about both the need to shoot in defense and what the aftermath would be like on the emotional level.
of course, such a post is to be expected from someone who goes by the name of Grandpa. Someone with experiances that far outstrip the younger members here on THR. someone who should be respected because he wishes to share those expericances and thoughts with us. Griff, i find your posts here offensive and, to be honest, rude.
respect your elders for they have wisdom to share with all of us.
There are some thoughtful and insightful posts on this thread, which is refreshing. So many times, discussions like this have a tendency to descend into the callous. For my own part, I honestly don't know how I feel. What I DO know is that I wouldn't hesitate to do whatever was necessary to ensure my own survival, up to and including killing the BG if necessary. Also, and this is just my personal take on it, but I think that the reason society seems to expect that we should feel terrible for doing it is that society has lost sight of the difference between killing and murder.

I am a Christian, and I try as much as possible to filter my perceptions of the world, and to regulate my own behavior and reactions to the world through the filter of my beliefs. The Old Testament very clearly delineates that difference between killing and murder, and neither the Old or New Testaments seem to forbid killing in self defense. So for me, I would not have a moral/ethical conflict if I killed in self defense.

On the other hand, I know nothing about what kind of autonomic physiological reactions would set in following the stress of a kill or be killed situation, and I think that a lot of the "feeling bad" that people report following a lethal shooting is simply the result of massive amounts of adrenalin still coursing through the body, and then the inevitable physical let down that follows it - all of which are strictly physiological responses over which we have little or no conscious control.
I'd feel better about being alive. Only a psychopath would feel good about killing another human. And it just isn't worth it to me to have to kill over a car or tv set. My loved ones are a different story- I will do whatever I have to do to protect them, and live with the consequences of my actions. I probably won't like it, but then we have to deal with things we don't necessarily like every day.
I would be okay with the killing of another in self defense, knowing that I'd only do it in order to rightly save myself or one of my loved ones. When it comes to either me living or the attacker living, I'll always choose myself. There's no more and no less to that.
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