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May 17, 2007
Reading what I think should be our new firearms regulation system?

We all hate gun control and restrictions, but at the same time we don't want firearms to fall into the wrong hands. I took some time to 'create' a new system, which of course is still rough but I think it would really work and that everyone would agree is acceptable.

I only want to post it if you guys are interested in discussing it, I mean if your all going to chew me out, or tell me that this has been talked about 1000 times I won't bother.

I think its important to at least discuss these kinds of things because who knows, maybe one day things will tip in our favor if there are some regulations of some sort that allow all of us to be happy.

Its not gun control in any sense, theres no registration or restrictions of any kind, but I'd rather just post it up and have you guys read it and analyze it if you give me a chance.
Its rough but I think it would work.
I got a great system.

Repeal laws, and keep those that shouldn't have access in prison/institutes. If they can't be trusted with a gun, they shouldnt be trusted in public.
How about this for a system.

You go into a gun shop and look at the guns. You see one you like and have enough money to pay for it. You give them the money, they give you the gun and you leave with it.
How about this for a system.

You go into a gun shop and look at the guns. You see one you like and have enough money to pay for it. You give them the money, they give you the gun and you leave with it.


Simplicity is good.
Why don't we just fix our broken justice system instead?

exactly. if its wrong to kill why should it matter how they killed the person. killem with a gun- go to jail. 50 years
killem with a knife- go to jail. 50 years.
killem with a bat- go to jail. 50 years

statisticaly most violent offenders are between 15-30 so when they get out they will be 65-80. not a threat to society. they took a life, and we took the best years of thiers. :)
My long term solution would be deportation of all violent felons after their prison time is up. If you were to misconduct yourself at a ball game, you would expect to be ejected from the stadium. Why not eject people from the country for violent crimes or even for serious property crimes? The end result would be as effective as the death penalty because these miscreants would be just as gone as if they were dead. This would be easy to do as the US only makes up about 5% of the earth's land mass. I'm sure there are plenty of impoverished third world countries like Somalia who would be glad to take them if it meant keeping the foreign aid flowing.

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My long term solution would be deportation of all violent felons after their prison time is up. If you were to misconduct yourself at a ball game, you would expect to be ejected from the stadium. Why not eject people from the country for violent crimes or even for serious property crimes? The end result would be as effective as the death penalty because these miscreants would be just as gone as if they were dead. This would be easy to do as the US only makes up about 5% of the earth's land mass. I'm sure there are plenty of impoverished third world countries like Somalia who would be glad to take them if it meant keeping the foreign aid flowing

what in the WORLD makes you think they wont just walk back over the boarder like the millions of illegals. not trying to give you a hard time. just think about it. all systems are reliant on otheres.
Hoppy590 asked:

"what in the WORLD makes you think they wont just walk back over the boarder like the millions of illegals. not trying to give you a hard time. just think about it. all systems are reliant on otheres."

Good question, By deportation I mean out of the Western hemisphere. It's hard to walk across an ocean. Ever notice that we don't have much illegal immigration from Africa or the Pacific islands?
errr.... where are you gonna put these criminals? the only really uninhabited place left is antartica and then they would get in the way of the scientists.
If you post your system I’ll read it, and if I have any comment (pro or con) I’ll post back. But I think the comments posted above are the range of what you are going to get, regardless of what your system is.
alright boys, lets here it

New gun regulations

Requirements/Conditions of owning a firearm

Key requirements

-Must be 18 years of age or older

-Must not have been convicted of a felony

-Must pass a psychological test

-Must hold a registered firearms license (sect 1)

Key features of new regulations

-No more registration of firearms with the government.

From now on, all purchases made will only require the verification of your licence in which you are elegible to own and operate a firearm.

-There will be no more classifications of firearms, barrel length, magazine capacity and ammunition types.

-Fully automatic firearms and silencers will be available to anyone with a valid licence.

-Civilians are now required to pass a psychological test to ensure proper use of a firearm

-Convicted felons will not be allowed to handle or purchase firearms

Section 1 –Licensing

-All persons who wish to own or operate a firearm will now have to posess a valid firearms licence. This licence is to ensure that the operator is mentally appropriate and has the proper safety training and understand of how a firearm is to be handled. There is no registration of any firearm purchase, or any purchase made when the licence is to be verified. Verification is an anti-fraud measure only, it is to verify that you are the actual holder of the licence and that it is still in effect. Your licence will be removed if you are charged with a felony or if you are charged with a firearm related offence in which a firearms officer for your city/county/state/province will decide if the licence is to be revoked. The course will involve

-Safety training.

You will be instructed on safe firearms practice, cautions, hazards and appropriate use. You will learn about different types of firearms, their actions, types of ammunition and proper use of ammunition etc. When the course is completed you will be required to pass an exam in which if you pass will be issued an official licence.

You will also do a written psychological test to determine if you are mentally healthy candidate for firearm ownership and use. This must also be passed in order to be issued a licence.

What happens when you licence is revoked?

You will be allowed to keep all of your firearms that you have purchased, but you will not be allowed to use them. Keep in mind that it will take a major criminal offence to have a licence revoked.

Tell me what you like/don't like. Refrain from using idiot, thank you. :D
Respect to the idea of "the wrong hands" - Thomas Jefferson said, "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too little of it." He also said, "The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave."

I think if you love liberty, and you want to preserve it, you must be prepared to live with a little excitement as well. You just cannot control bad people without also controlling good people. It doesn't work that way, and never has. Remember, when good people are controlled in every aspect of their lives in order to protect them from the bad people, the term is "Tyranny."

Edited to add:
Here's why your idea is basically flawed - you assume that there is a standard that is universal for "mentally appropriate." As much as I agree with your sentiment, I cannot in good faith and conscience make the assumption that I have the answers for everybody, and therefore, I don't believe any other human being does either.

Your idea might be better than some current implementations of gun control, but it is still essentially that - gun control from the operator side. It will do nothing to stem the sale of illegal guns, and it will not truly stop crime any more than what we already have. At best, it might deter a few folks who are on the verge of becoming criminal, but if they're tipped over, it becomes moot.

I think the best and only way to control a criminal population is to have an equally strong, and more numerous population of good folks with the proper tools to protect and defend themselves and their loved ones. Anything short of this is just plate-spinning to take attention away from the truth.
brentn, its one of those things that looks really good on paper, but doesn't work in real life.
1. whos giving the psych tests?
2. regestering yourself as a gunowner is the same as regestering your guns. i.e. the gov still knows where they are.
3. whos giving the safty course?
and on and on......
Civilians are now required to pass a psychological test to ensure proper use of a firearm

This is my main problem with your idea.

Who creates the test?
Who administers the test?
Who analyzes the answers?
What credentials must these people have?
How do we keep politics or personal beliefs from entering the testing process or its analysis.

If you "fail" are your chances to exercise you 2A rights removed forever?
If not, what process will get you back into the system?

As we learn more about psychology will the questions change and will those who passed need to take the test again?

I have more questions but you get the idea. I do not agree with any kind of psychological requirements. There are far too many variables.
Not a fan of the psych testing. Too much up to personal interpretation in those.

Now, have you pleaded insanity or deemed unstable by the judicial system, it is a different manner.
Must pass a psychological test

Without further explanation this is BS! Who is deciding the criteria for this?
what standards are to be upheld?

Why do I have to be licensed to use a god given right?

My right to be able to defend myself and my family predates anything to do with this country. And no one should have the right to tell me I cannot own up to date methods for this defense.

Sorry but it sounds every bit as bad if not worse than what I have to deal with now.
I'd go for the same testing requirements needed to drive a car on the road if you wanted to carry a gun in public, i.e., written safety test, practical demonstration. No psych test. Do they ask you to take a psych test before you get behind the wheel of a 2,000 lb. missile and go whizzing down the road at breakneck speed? ;)

Otherwise, buy whatever you want if you only intend to use it on private property. Cannons, machine guns, mortars, etc. You are responsible for any damage you cause, license valid in all 50 states, etc. If you aren't in jail or haven't had your driver's license suspended for too many DWI's, it doesn't matter if you are a convicted felon or not. If you've paid your debt to society, all your rights are restored. Any right may be restricted or curtailed with due process, so if you're on probation or parole you may or may not be allowed to buy or carry a gun.
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