Would you turn them in?

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You are proceeding under the false notion that our government has any interest in actually securing our border with Mexico.
MEXAMERICANADA! sad but true.

If there is a ban, I believe it will take place like a death from a thousand cuts. It will take place with incremental restrictions that limit magazine capacity and "evil" features of particular semi-auto rifles, then...sound familiar so far?

As long as these "minor" restrictions are able to take place, the end game is the same. So we say, "from my cold dead hands" or "Molon Labe" but if conditions escalate to the point of having to fight, we won't be in a position to do so. That's just my opinion.

45-nut <-------put'n on his flame-retardant suit. ;)
The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan were toppled and all the insurgents are getting their heads blown off when they pop up.

For those of you who keep insisting that we are "winning" the war. Read this article posted today...
"At least 853 American military personnel have died in Iraq so far this year — the highest annual toll since the war began in March 2003, according to AP figures."

as a U.S. Army Soldier, i can say that each and every one of us took an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

it's my personal view that any attempt to ban firearms is an attack on the constitution by enemies of the constitution. i'd hope that my brethren would be of the same mind, but i cannot speak for them.

This is the kind of soldier that I respect. This is the essence of military service, and of course... free thought.
don't be so confident that the gov't will never try to ban and confiscate firearms. look at what happened after katrina
don't be so confident that the gov't will never try to ban and confiscate firearms. look at what happened after katrina

I don't recall many LEO's or NG's refusing orders when it came time to confiscate legal FA's from legal owners. There are dangerous times ahead.
don't be so confident that the gov't will never try to ban and confiscate firearms. look at what happened after katrina

I don't recall many LEO's or NG's refusing orders when it came time to confiscate legal FA's from legal owners. There are dangerous times ahead.

Yeah, but now we have the whole Katrina debacle in the history books. That comes around again, maybe (hopefully) people will think twice when the call goes out for a firearms roundup. Further, I'm inclined to think that LE would be less apt to put out such a call given the flack they got on the last go-around.

Doesn't mean it can't happen. The memory of it may give some pause to those seeking a confiscation, and those who might comply.

...I'm inclined to think that LE would be less apt to put out such a call given the flack they got on the last go-around.

Doesn't mean it can't happen. The memory of it may give some pause to those seeking a confiscation, and those who might comply.

Flack? What flack?

To the best of my knowledge no one was held accountable for the illegal taking of firearms from citizens in New Orleans during Katrina. Most of the taken arms still have not been returned to their lawful owners.

:cuss: That stupid anal orifice Nagin even got reelected.

Without accountability there is absolutely no reason for Katrina not to be repeated - state laws passed since then not withstanding.


You are right. This type of thing happens all of the time. Thats why guys like Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft are spending their pampered, post-White House lives on the golf course instead of federal prison where they belong. All they do is say..."I quit" and everyone is supposed to just forget about their atrocities and lies. There is little accountability for the elite in the US of A. They won't hesitate to slap you with 20 to life though... believe you me.
question and answers to topics like this just gets your name on the list.. enough said.
Time and time again I hear guys saying they'll "fight" if the government tries to take away their guns. I've always been curious if "fight" means packing up and going to look for a fight with the military or law enforcement? Or, does "fight" mean you'll wait until your house is surrounded in a Randy Weaver-style seige?

MEXAMERICANADA! sad but true.

The worst part of the whole thing (to me) is that a lot of people simply
don't believe it. They think you're crazy for even suggesting it, or refuse
to acknowledge that such a thing could actually happen. Well folks, its
time to sit up and take note, its happening.

The deniers usually hail from as-yet unaffected regions like the east coast
and the pacific northwest. I can understand how those folks might be
unable to recognize the changes taking place. However, if you live in a
state like Texas, Arizona, California, Colorado, or Oklahoma, you know
exactly what I'm talking about and you know its true. Mexican trucks and
railcars are pouring in by the second, and despite the .gov's lip service to
the contrary, the state sponsored Reconquista is progressing apace.

Just one more step on the moving walkway towards complete loss of
national sovereignty and conversion to socialism. Cheap labor in the south
(bolstered by a horrifically corrupt government that is content to supress
its own people) coupled with a communist country in the north, and USA in
between. Think about it.
Yeah an all out gun ban will work about as well as the war on drugs, terrorists, illiteracy, the Prohibition etc.

Wars on inanimate objects never work.

I know that right now the ban on illegal drugs makes getting weed and cocaine hard to do.

That during the prohibition no one drank alcohol and that there are no terrorists anymore since we declared war on terror.

Just like how banning guns will mean all the guns will be all gone and confiscated and no one will have them anymore.

We can't keep truckloads of illegal aliens out of the country.
We can't keep truckloads of illegal drugs out of the country.
We can't keep terrorists out of the country.
Why do we think guns will be different.

Also if there is a full out gun ban, do you think all the guns will still be semi auto or more like full auto surplus military items?

For example Full Auto AK-47s FALS, G3s, M16s, etc. or SBS/SBR/grenades/mortars/bazookas etc

In for a penny in for a pound. If you're going to have an illegal gun and goto jail forever for it, why not have one that is the biggest and baddest?

England and Australia are having this problem right now. Hard core serious weapons are coming in because honestly if you are going to gun run why gun run Ruger 10/22s when you could bring in M240s and M60s?

A gun ban would just mean more full auto guns, suppressors, SBS, SBR etc in the United States period.
theoretically couldn't someone just bury their registered guns in an indescript location and report them as tolen in a burglery, because wouldn't the value of fireamrs on the black market skyrocket after something like that? "sure officer come on in i'll show you where my guns "used to be before they were stolen just last night" :evil:
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...And then proceeded to kill 20 million of its own civilians. Perhaps this is
acceptable in your reality, but its not in mine. While the lesson of the
underdog overcoming the odds is not lost in your anecdote, I would suggest
that you find a better historical example when attempting to illustrate this

I am Chinese. My parents lived through the Great Leap Foward and the Cultural Revolution, not to mention the Deng Xiaoping years. My father is old enough to witness Shanghai during the Japanese occupation, then again when the city changes hands in 1949. My grandfather, before he passed away, remembered the death of Dowager Empress Cixi and Emperor Guangxu, and he actively participated in the 1911 Revolution. He still remembers the rebels' grey uniforms and Mauser rifles like it was just yesterday. My grand-uncle fought during the Anti-Japanese War on the Communist side and he remained a PLA soldier until he became too old to fight. Even then he vowed to risk his life defending national security and freedom until the very end. All of them lived during the "tumultuous period" of the post Revolutionary years of 1949-1976. Even though the great social movements and agrarian reforms were painful and did cause a lot of damage to the country, most people lived on. That is why we had Deng Xiaoping,m who realized the mistakes the old conservative regime made and purged the entire party and government, paving the way for a new conservative regime.
Where I come from, government sympathizers are called tories and were treated as such. We are a free people.....people, act like it.
First of all, why would a ban be necessary? WHy would it be unConstitutional?

We proved with Prohibition that it is possible to Repeal Amendments to the US Constitution. How hard would it be to get a new Amendment repealing the 2ND rammed through given the right socio-political climate?

After that, it's quite academic at that point. No right to bear arms, no arms. Simple.

Does anyone here think Joe Sixpack and Susan Soccermom gives a rats' behind about the 2A and what it really means?
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