Wrist Rockets

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So with Trumark gone who is making the best Basic slingshots? Not the crazy stuff just something simple and solid? Trumark was kind of the king in that area. Ebay New old stock Trumarks are pretty rediculous right now.
This was the one I really liked growing up...


It didnt fold but was very stable. Maybe someone will bring it back. My kids have a couple of cheap ones from Harbor Freight but it would be a nice Christmas present to get them something solid and childproof.

Those Wrist Rockets are a little fancy for me. The kids would have those trashed in a couple days.
The one we had I had as a kid would put a hole in the side of a coke can at 25 yards, as long as you could hit it. We used pea gravel as ammo most of the time as it was free. Glass marbles were also fun but that meant a trip to the dollar store and spending spending money we usually didn't have.

I want to buy one but the quality of what is cheap and on the shelf is not worth spending money on. I am not spending $60 on a toy slingshot, and I don't have anywhere safe to shoot a higher power slingshot.
you might want to look up "chief aj " "slingbow", I'm not rally tech savvy enough to post a link. It's wrist rocket that shoot arrows and it's powerful enough for big game hunting , small game hunting and bow fishing ( according to the people that sell them). I don't have one but I'm trying to re-strengthen my shoulders for bowhunting. This would be another device increase shoulder strength.
I came across mine in a box a few weeks ago. First time in years I’ve seen it. I think it was called a “pocket rocket” it folded up for pocket carry. I guess I’ll have to find it again and try it out.
Always meant to get a good one and learn to use it. Figure it'll be a great SHTF tool. Know a buddy who just randomly decided to learn use the old school david and goliath staff sling this week. For the same reasons.

That being said - I wouldn't know a good one from a wal-mart one. I need to follow this thread and find some recommendations.
Man does this thread bring back memories.

We use to sit on top of a bluff overlooking the local golf course with our wrist rockets waiting for golfers. The golfers would try to drive golf balls at us and we would return fire will walnuts and hickory nuts. We were more successful than the golfers since we were high up on the bluff.
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