Writing letters to the NRA and Taurus

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While doing my "Bersa research," I was saddened to learn that now THEY have internal locks too, at least on the Thunder .380 - :barf: :banghead:

Well, I still got my "good ole fashioned" model.

Another argument against internal gun locks may be that they may make people careless with firearm storage. "Well, going into the Post Office. My PT1911 is locked, so what's the harm in leaving it here in plain sight on my seat." Thus, gun is stolen, lock is defeated, gun is used to kill an innocent victim in the hands of the criminal that stole it.

...it's a long shot, but along the lines of my argument that "posting" a store almost BEGS a robbery. You gotta fight "lawyer tactics" WITH lawyer tactics! :evil:
As far as writing to Taurus in regards to their 1911 goes.. if it were me, I'd just write them a letter saying that I'd be a buyer if they'd just get it in gear with producing the darned things and get the Stainless version on the market.
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