WTK: link to "kill the koran" video

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Mar 19, 2006
read a piece online about the FBI investigating this video showing "two men with military style rifles shooting the koran" and depositing it at the door of a muslim command and control center (ahem, aka "mosque").

This is too damn much like a subplot in "Enemies Foreign and Domestic," which I'm rereading.

What's interesting as hell is how Ibrahim Hooper, a spokespuppet for the imams of Islam in America, continually shows up connected to these wild allegations, much like Morris Dees for the Southern Policy Law Center. It all seems too contrived.

"CAIR" as an acronym also draws suspicion, "Counsel on American-Islamic Relations," clearly identifies "Islam" as a nationality. Which is it, a religion or a political system (as I'm convinced it is)?

Anyone else see through this "CAIR" facade? Hell, if they "Caired" so much they could have shown up in New Orleans last year or any other site of an American Disaster like New Jersey <g> to help out.

Think maybe this video was a setup against gun owners specifically and real Americans in general?

Anyway, I'd like to see the video but can't find a link in my google searches (hey, I was pretty good at finding a free version of "Mexican Radio" online."

socialist occupied Maryland
state of impending dhimmitude
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