Yahoo and a ?

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Dec 24, 2002
Grand Prairie, TX
With the assistance of a Brownell's stone & file set plus a Power jig, my mechanically challanged self actually has a trigger I like on my Kimber Eclipse II - hardly any parts left over, too. (No one more surprised than me - a first attempt and I can screw up a light bulb change). It even still shoots and not full auto either...

Anyhow, how does one clean the stones? A search on Brownell's only turned up that I should.

Spyderco says ok to put their triangle sharp-maker stones right in the dishwasher - can I do this for my Brownell's ceramics? I presume the India stone doesn't go in the washer (?). How about a good solid shot of brake cleaner on the lot? They're really looking pretty grim but I'm hesitant to do something for fear of ruining 'em.

Thanks in advance.
Not exactly sure of your stones
The stones I used in another business, were Arkansas, India, Ruby, Sapphire, and one pricey diamond file.

Bon Ami cleanser used on stones
others soaked or quick dip in an ultrasonic cleaner. Simple Green , Ammonia, Mineral spirits...whatever closest.
It depends on how you use your stones. Never use both oil and water on the same stone. If you use oil when stoneing clean the stone with a solvent, mineral spirits, kerosene. If you use water with the stone use water to clean it. A little cleansing powder will remove the heavy stuff.

Ceramics should only be used with water. Natural stones can go either way, but once started should only be used with that liquid.

I use oil only on my soft and medium grade stones.

Thanks guys, that's just what I needed.

The India stone has only seen oil and the ceramics only water so I guess I'm set.
Been cleaning my stones for years with a flood of WD40, works great. Just hold the stone over a bunch of paper towels and spray away the dirt and filings.
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