Yet another NBC assault weapon poll

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Oct 9, 2007
"Should Congress reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons that was enacted in 1994 but not renewed after lapsing in 2004?"

This might already be posted, but it never hurts to try and stay on top of things, right?
Should Congress reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons that was enacted in 1994 but not renewed after lapsing in 2004?

Yes 982 49%
No 1028 51%
Never mind. I found it. And voted too.:)

Here are the results now:

Copy and pasted

Should Congress reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons that was enacted in 1994 but not renewed after lapsing in 2004?
Choice Votes Percentage of 2027 Votes
Yes 983 48%
No 1044 52%
Come on guys. Belly up to the bar.

Yep, it's time to push the throttle on this locomotive all the way up to max power.

In China, we chant this to rally our sports teams:

"JAI YU! JAI YU! JAI YU!!!!!!!"
Just voted - looks like the gap is spreading ever so slightly.

Yes = 993 (47%)

No = 1129 (53%)

We're ahead on this one, but just. Where's the poll on whether or not we think violent felons should be released from prison early. I'd like to see what Mayor Nutter and Govorner Rendell would think of the results of that poll (if they would be interested at all).
Please... Get your facts straight. That's not an NBC poll. That's just a poll by a podunk local station in Philly.

Hmmmmmmm. It is an NBC affiliated station in Philly and given the current anti climate by the majority of Philly politicians I think Zangetsu is right on in asking us to hit it.

What's your problem?
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