Yet Another Police Gun Turn-In Event In My Town This Weekend

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Follow the link on the Chicago event:
UPI, "Chicago gun turn-in nets 4,050 weapons", May 9, 2010.

Mayor Richard M. Daley at a rally on the near North Side. "When someone has access to a gun, they use it."

Police Superintendent Jody Weis said no one in the city needs hand grenades.

Read more:

Oh, the assumptions of anti-gunners, that any use or user must be bad! Reminds me, next weekend is the vintage and modern military matches, which means I'll access my guns, take them to the range and try to beat my last month's scores.

The two Chicago hand grenades were inert dummies, like Daley and Weis, or the the inert WWII pineapple grenades my sis and I picked up at the surplus store in memory of our WWII vet dad. We didn't need 'em, but we wanted 'em. More people are beat to death with rocks than are beat to death with inert grenades (the most lethal use possible). Chicago paid $50 a piece? We bought ours for about $5. What a waste of taxpayer money.

4,050. According to the NAS 2004 critical review of gun studies, a "buyback" would have to get 10,000 randomnly selected handguns to get one potential murder weapon. As far as rounding up rifles goes, more people are murdered with bare hands and feet than are murdered with rifles, including the rifle with bayonet that Daley threatened a reporter with infamously. The people and firearms in line at these "buyback" events often do not match the profile of typical murderer or typical murder weapon. The money spendt on buying 4,050 weapons willingly turned in would probably have better been spent on better police trainig or equipment.
Well if anyone is in North FL/ Lower AL and you're thinking of turning in your guns, let me know first!

What do the cops do with them, divi them up or throw em in a case to rust or flip them online?

Total waste of money, materials, memorabilia.
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