You guys ready for another batch of THR shirts?

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What sort of payment options are available?
I really want a shirt, but the best I can do is stuff an envelope with $12 and mail it to you.
I wouldn't mind picking up a few items myself. :D

Do they have the THR logo? I knowwwwww, I should go and read. LOL...

I do hope you have Small, well probably not small but maybe skinny or even scrawny. :p
Igor, we can work something out. I don't mind international orders at all. I've done Ireland, Russia, Britan, France, Italy, Brazil, Australia, and of course, Greece. :p But I will need to add extra for shipping.

Should have the page up this week.
MBS, mailing cash isn't smart. It often times doesn't make it, and somebody in the postal system gets a little bonus. I take check, money order, credit card, etc.

You can mail me cash, but if it doesn't arrive, then it ain't my problem. People don't mail cash anymore for a reason.
We're bringing in an actual web professional to help out on Tuesday.

Stupid computers. :p
I hate to hope against hope, but I'm kind of glad the process keeps getting held up. If it gets held up for about two more weeks, I'll have enough dough to get all the shirts and hats I want :D :D

I almost never wear T-shirts or sweat shirts out of the house- only for working out or when on the way to the swimming pool.

However, work is business casual and my preferred black suit and white shirt doesn't really fit the environment (and ties are forbidden). I can certainly use some more business casual shirts. Depending upon how subdued the embroidered logo is* on the polo/golf shirts and/or if there are button downs I will be in.

*The logo needs to be subdued for me in size and color brightness to keep it suitable for work. I work in a psych hospital in direct patient care so it needs to look professional and can't look too "in your face".
I'll be interested in a t shirt. Are the golf shirts actual "polo" type with a short row of buttons and a collar? Reason I ask, I could probably get by with wearing one of these to work (as long as the image is embroidered [sp?] in).

I'd love to have a "Molon Labe" T-shirt. But... I live in England -- they already did!

Oh, and all "Molon Labe" tattoos have to go south of the navel -- it's the rules.

"THR/The High Road" on any item of clothing would go down well with me.
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