You know you are a gun nut in a Christmas mood when.

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You dress up as tactical Santa, concealing 2 full-size pistols in your beard holster. Of course, rather than using pillows, you achieve the belly size by wearing multiple kevlar vests.
You stop Santa's sleigh and take him shooting at midnight when we all know his time is limited.
you get hoppes #9 scented candles to set the holiday modd in your house.
Oh man, please tell me someone actually makes those!

If not, I think I'm going to do it myself... :D
You know that Rudolph's illuminated nose is one MOA at 100 yards.
Your best Christmas memory was the time your daughter hit center mass on the ginger bread cookies with her new .22
You know you are a gun nut in a Christmas mood when...

you buy your family bigger stockings because a box of ammo won't fit in the current ones.
Your inflatable Santa has his own CHL
You know you are a gun nut in a Christmas mood when...

You put those red and green grips with the words, "Go ahead punk, make my sleigh" embedded in them on your 44 magnum.
(to jingle bells)

Dashing through the house,
lookin for a place to hide.
Obama's security force,
is waiting right outside.

They heard I have some guns,
They've come to take them away.
To make this country safer,
no telling who I'll slay!

Ammo cans, ammo can, full of .223.
Stocking up before the ban,
evil black guns for me...
Ammo can, ammo cans, full of 7.62.
You can't call it paranoia,
when they really are out ta get you!
you know you are a gun nut in the Christmas mood when

you have visions of black rifles dancing in your head. and another of one setting under the tree.:what::cool:
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