You think it's enough?

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I love kids that like to get ammo as a gift. Get that girl a 5000 round case.
My kids love to shoot. My youngest is 13 and has a blast with his 10/22. He does a few mag dumps then gets down to shooting.
I used to shoot 1000 rounds a day just plinking. Yes it is a waste of ammo to shoot that fast but it sure is fun. And that's the thing you want to encourage. I let my kids go through hundreds of rounds of 7.62 X 39 ammo in a day. They build their own swinging targets and then shot them into splinters. Of course they learned with a .22 and they learned well. My daughter could shoot in the Olympics if she wanted. She saw the target the American woman shot to win a gold medal and instantly knew she could do better. I tried really hard to get her to try out for the Olympics but she's too busy making money I guess. She has a really good job and it takes up too much time. It's hard to practice enough under those conditions but the truth is she shoots as well as I do without practicing at all now. I taught her to do it right and I let her learn to have fun doing it. Those things will take you a long way in the shooting world. The only thing that ever slowed her down was when she showed up her boyfriend in high school and she thought she hurt his feelngs so she wouldn't even shoot for a long time. Now she waits until everyone shoots then shows them how it's done. She makes a lot of people shake their heads I tell you what.
That's sweet but she will become bored enough soon. There will be still be ammo and she will come back around!

I'm hoping she will be teaching my grandkids to shoot someday after she's made her nest egg. She already bought the house. When she figures out there's more to life than money I think she'll start having kids. She already has several guns that I've given her. She still comes around to shoot sometimes. She amazed her bf not so long ago shooting an AR. I may give her that rifle soon. I have another one. My Sig will probably go to my son before long. He used to borrow it for months at a time to go shooting with his friends. Both my kids learned to like to shoot and giving them enough ammo to let them play around had a lot to do with that I think. I taught them to shoot one shot at a time but we all know how much fun plinking can be so that came after they learned the rules and how to hit what they aim at.

They had a blast shooting up the swinging targets they made for example ( they would swing backwards then forward again when you hit the target - nothing dangerous). A 7.62 X 39 round will make lumber into splinters pretty quick.

Heck my son built a gun when he was maybe 11. It was an air gun that was plenty powerful enough to hurt someone real bad. It was made to shoot marbles. You would never see the marble again after he ran it through that thing and I never let him put half the pressure in it that it would hold. I still have that somewhere. He does laser research for the military now as a civilian contractor.
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