Your thoughts on a hypothetical: 1911 mid-grip

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Feb 22, 2006
Fort Myers, Florida
Please enlighten me if I err in my observation that there are no 1911 receivers (aside from maybe rare custom stuff or the SA EMP) with a grip length that is in between that of the officer and government sizes.

Reliable function while utilizing as few proprietary parts as possible...
1911 commander slide/barrel assembly will fit right up. Basically everything would except some stuff like grips, grip safety, MSH, hammer strut, magazines ..

Just a grip-chopped 1911 commander with sized mags .. that works well. Would you buy one? How about a lighter, high-capacity one?

What do you think would be a cool platform designation: Sergeant? Warrant? Captain?
There are no common 1911 recievers with a grip length between Government/Commander (same grip length) and Officers.

A few makers have produced oddball grip lengths that use proprietary magazines and grips. Some are shorther than an Officers Model, others may be in between. Others are high capacity. All destroy one of the benefits of a 1911, being able to swap parts in and out at will. These models usually do not fare as well in the marketplace, although they may be perfect for a specific shooter with specific needs.

I own one 1911 with a proprietary grip length. I won it, and thus ended up with it. I do not want another one.
The difference in grip length between and officer's and a full size (and commander size) isn only half an inch, or about 1 round. So having a mid-grip length version would be a bit silly, especially with the custom mags. It would be silly because it would still just carry what an officer's gun carries, so no ammo benefit which is 1 less than a full-size or commander size.
Thanks for the replies.

I realize I made a wrong connect somewhere ..
probably from handling too many of the tiny paras lately and not enough of the actual officer framed 1911s.

Yeh, that's it :eek:

So I guess the next question is; who is making high-capacity "Officer" 1911s or bare receivers?
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