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Your Thoughts on Chemical / Pepper Spray

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I can see certain situations where it may be handy I usually carry pepper spray along with a SOG folding knife for backup to my carry gun.
My thoughts are I don't want to get hit in the face with a serious pepper spray any more than I want to wack my finger with a 4 lb. sledge. Both actions will really, really get your attention. Don't ask how I know this.

Both my wife and I have been known to carry Fox 5.3 SHU. I look at pepper spray like duct tape - it may not be a permanent solution but it might get you out of trouble. :D
I carry the Sabre P-22-OC. Seeing as I can't concealed carry yet (and state law bans weapons on university campuses), it seemed like a good option. I find it fits in my pocket pretty well with the clip off, and won't get snagged on anything.
Having witnessed numerous people get sprayed with OC and having had to take a hit myself in the police academy I can say it definately might work. :neener:

Some people it works very well on, such as myself. :scrutiny: When I took my hit my eyes clamped shut like there was a vice on them. It definately was not one of the more pleasant experiences I have encountered. Other people though were not quite as bothered.

For some reason OC does not work as well on females as it does on males. I watched the wimpiest females in my academy class take a shot right to the face and giggle. In about 10 minutes they were back helping the rest of us drown our eyes in a hose.

Bottom line is it is an effective tool when it works, which is most of the time, but I wouldn't want to depend on it as my only defense.
Pepper spray is an excellent less than lethal option. It does have limitations. You have to let your target approach fairly close to get an effective hit with most small concealable carry type of cannisters and wind and other factors can carry the product places you may not want it. It is very effective for most humans and dogs but there are a very few that seem immune to it. I know of one officer at an academy a few years ago who was able to take several direct face hits with a very effective product. He was able to keep his eyes open and attack after getting sprayed. So far he is the only one I have observed but they are out there. Pepper spray can carry you through those grey area assaults where deadly force is not justified. OC requires some training and thought in use. If you spray into a wind and end up spraying yourself you will be the one with blindness and breating distress. Not good in any survival situation.
I have carried chemical defense sprays since the early 80's when I was first liscenced.

I have used them in defense only one time. late night, drunk grabbing my shirt, out comes the chemical mace, drunk hits his knees on pavement screaming and calling me names.

In short chemical mace worked VERY well for me in this situation.

I now carry OC and as with Mace would not trust my life to it. Chemical sprays are not effective on a decent percentage of suspects - drugs, booze, and other variables including the person's mindset can all be factors.

Still, I believe in them, but have no illusions that they will work the way you hope they will if you need to discharge it.

Basically it is better than nothing.... usually. :neener:
Same as CGofMP. Got a CA MACE License some time ago. I've carried that or OC for some time. One of the few self-defense weapons I can legally carry here in CA.
O.C. and CS Gas

I've had several occasions to use the stuff:

CASE ONE -- CS Tear Gas:
Many years ago, while out for an evening walk in the park, 2 very iron-pumped muggers approached me and my wife. One brandished an, umm, Semi-Automatic Assault Knife (unregistered 5 inch Buck folder)... and requested my involuntary contribution to his chemical recreation fund. I told him to get lost. He stepped closer... and I zapped his face with the CS (stream). He winced, then got REAL pissed... and charged me... while his buddy beat feet. When I stuck a .38 snubbie (alas, also unregistered) in the poor socially-disadvantaged miscreant's face, he backed off, screaming "not fair", "off-sides", etc., while we got outta there. He was definitely "on" something -- which is why the CS failed.

This happened in one of the most "Liberal" cities in California. None of its elected officials, or LEO reps, were present (mercy!) to defend us, so I just hadda hit that old Vast Right Wing Conspirator switch... and Take The Law Into My Own hands. While I do regret damaging the Knife-Dude's fragile self esteem, be assured that I did it For-The-Children.

CASE TWO -- 10% OC:
A "guest" in my big apartment building parked in my $50/mo. reserved space in the parking garage one night. When I had the building's wimpy security guard roust him to move outta my space, the guy (10 yrs younger than me) got real p'd off and suddenly went berserk, attacking me. He got in a couple of punches before I nailed his mug w/the O.C. He recoiled, stunned, then swung again. So, I douched him again. He backed off, still p'd off, breathing w/difficulty and out of the fight... but shouting explicit threats.

I then called the cops to report it. They showed up... and told me that since the security guy corroborated my story, and since I also had a facial cut, I could have him arrested. In fact, they encouraged me to press charges. I declined, but asked them to tell the snotball that since I was, you know, your typical "violence-prone Vietnam war veteran", he really needed to seriously reconsider his revenge threats. A few weeks later, the guy saw me approaching outside the building. He quickly crossed to the other side of the street.

The O.C. worked here, but marginally so... probably because the perp was highly adrenalized.

CASE THREE -- 10% O.C.
Out for an evening walk (alone) in my neighborhood, two young Street Punks (age and physical Disparity Of Force right there) approached me. As they passed, one cursed me (no reason) and said he was "gonna kick your MoFo white face". I tried walking on, but he U-turned and came after me. I stopped, silently facing him, hands IN my jacket pockets (one on my O.C., the other on a .38 snubby. As he cocked his (unregistered) fist, I nailed him in the eyes with the O.C. He immediately froze, grabbing his face, then slowly wilted to the sidewalk, curling up like a prune. His tatoo'd buddy ran away. I walked home, enjoying the summer sunset.

I think the O.C. worked well here because of the "surprise" factor: nice, middle-aged, preppy-exec white guys ain't supposed to turn the tables and fight at the point-of-attack. No sir. That's the kind of Rugged Individualist thinking that Billary and the Edu-crats and the UN Euro-twits really gotta stamp out if their Progressive agenda's ever going to save us from ourselves.

I love animals and have dogs, but I've also had two occasions when big-and-nasty snarling strays stalked me, preparing to pounce. Both times, a shot of O.C. instantly reversed their carnivorous desires.

Recognizing its limitations, the Juice has its place in the Force Continuum.
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I am going on a 2 wk vacation later this year thru the west. I was intending on taking a pepper spray because of CCW limitations. Am I right in asuming from an earlier post that you can't carry spray in California? What about in a vehicle? Also, has anyone had any experience with the "Bear" spray from Cabelas? Also, are there any rules I should be aware of in regards to a knife?
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