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Why the leftist/Democrat/socialist tribe hates America and the Bill of Rights

In my experience, the common thread in anti-gun people is rage. Either anti-gun people harbor more rage than others, or they're less able to cope with it appropriately. Because they can't handle their own feelings of rage, they are forced to use defense mechanisms in an unhealthy manner. Because they wrongly perceive others as seeking to harm them, they advocate the disarmament of ordinary people who have no desire to harm anyone. So why do anti-gun people have so much rage and why are they unable to deal with it in appropriate ways? Consider for a moment that the largest and most hysterical anti-gun groups include disproportionately large numbers of women, African- Americans and Jews. And virtually all of the organizations that claim to speak for these "oppressed people" are stridently anti-gun. Not coincidentally, among Jews, Blacks and women there are many "professional victims" who have little sense of identity outside of their victimhood.
In order to survive and advance, the leftist/Democrat/socialist agenda requires a base of followers who believe they have been oppressed and victimized.

Those who believe they have suffered injustice believe they have done so at the hands of the conservative political movement, AKA the Republican party (that would be the "old-time" Republican party which actually was conservative, as opposed to the 'Neocon' ideological philosophy) and their guiding principles which are embodied in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This is the same old political schwag that the leftist/Democrat/socialists have been preaching to the sheeple since the early 1960s. This is why the leftist/Democrat/socialist politicians and their 'bots hate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, any conservative or religious persons and America itself.

Of course, Islam is an "approved" religion for the leftist/Democrat/socialist tribe, as it has shown its own hatred of America.

The "neocons" have undoubetdly stabbed us in the back on more than one count, yet they have left our right to arms relatively intact. The leftist/Democrat/socialist tribe continues with its decades-long pathalogical hatred for an armed citizenry, believing that only "The Government" and "the experts" - when controlled by them -should have access to weapons.
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gun phobia

This describes a learned man I know. He has at least one PhD. He likes sled dog racing. My wife was a musher and carried a .44 Bulldog. She told him to take one of ours if he was going up the the UP of MI if he was going to run near a certain rural prison.

There were animal rights wackos out there. You could not leave your team because one might euthanize them to put them out of their slavery. There were also the ELF group that was spiking trees, and destroying logging trucks.

So he comes back from this 50 mile trip early and tells us an officer in a white suit with a white M-16 snuck up on him and asked to see his gun. Having none, he was ordered out. Who knows if it was a white M-16, but that is what he said.

so, he passed up mushing at one of the areas best and wildest places because he refused to carry a gun.
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