Hillary "says" she is against gun control...now

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Don't laugh.

There are tens of thousands of 2-digit IQ idiots who will actually believe this and use it to cement their denial and justify their support of the most vile anti-gun zealots.

There are many people who like to own guns, but who vote for the very worst of the gun banners. It is a bizarre situation. Nothing wrong with voting for who you want. What disgusts me is how they basically lie to themselves and others about the anti-gun positions of their politicians. They want to hear and believe so badly that their socialist gun-banner candidate is actually pro-RKBA or pro-hunting.

It's a comfort thing. It eases their choice. Which leads to more votes for that candidate. It is a little bit of false reassurance. These types wish for and long for the ability to frame a particular election between 2 candidates as "RKBA neutral" ....based on some silly campaign lies. Again, to help ease the pain in selling out one personally held belief in favor of another.

The experts know that there are quite a few people who love guns, but love Hillary more ..and guns are keeping them in the "undecided" column. A few words here, a sound bite there ...and now they are in the Hillary column.

Works like magic. Especially when many districts or states go down to just one percentage point.

Don't ever underestimate the ability of these types to compartmentalize their egregiously incompatible beliefs. If you don't believe me, a quick trip over to DU's guns forum will be a nice reality check. That's what I'm talking about. People who basically say they want nearly full and free gun rights but also believe Obama/Hillary is a good choice. People who want their cake and to eat it, despite such a thing not being even remotely possible in this situation. So impossible, that believing in such a thing leads one to question their sanity.
She'll believe in gun-control if she gets in office! She'll keep Billie on a very short leash and far away from blue dresses!

Truthfully, I do not think it matters what she or any other Dim-Wit-ocrat thinks Re: firearms. I don't think they can win. While I plan to vote independent, I believe a Re-puke-li-kan will win.

The commercials of late regarding legacy electing:

Bush I
Clinton I
Bush II
Clinton II

really hit America between the eyes. It's too close to having royalty and the only thing royal about either of these families is their royal-pain-in -the-posterior.
I've heard the Reagan story before--the zinger (as he recounted it) was that he didn't have any shells for the pistol (now that sounded like baloney to me and Ronnie politician talking).

As for HC, I wouldn't trust her with ANYTHING anymore. She and her ilk rate absolute zero in my book. She is the brains of their 'outfit'--and that's the scarry part.
wow, what a surprise.

The Hildabeast is now pro-gun... and I'm a ballerina.

Let's see, she is a confirmed socialist, gun grabbing lunatic.....

yeah, I'll vote for her. about the time heck freezes over and zombies are in the street.

I'm still not convinced she's not really a dude.
all it says is:

On this day in history:

June 9, 2004: It was inevitable the passing of Ronald Reagan would stir memories of those knew him.

One of those memories that came to light was shared by long-time Iowa resident Melba King who told of the hot, humid autumn night in 1933, when a mugger slipped behind her and shoved a gun into her back, demanding her money, as she strolled home in downtown Des Moines.

The next thing she heard came from the window of a second-story room facing the street: "Leave her alone or I’ll shoot you right between the shoulders."

It was a young Des Moines radio sportscaster named Ronald Wilson Reagan who had overheard the confrontation and was now pointing a .45-caliber revolver at the would-be robber.

It worked. The mugger fled.

I’m thinking if the same thing happened - and Bill Clinton was at the second-story room - he would have let it happen - then try to pick up the woman in her moment of venerability.

doesn't mention her not believing in gun control anywhere except the title though?
What has Hillary said or done that makes her views on gun control worse than Romney or Giuliani?
take your pick, guiliani and romney are by no means on our side either, thompson tends to vote pro gun, but anti civil liberties, and note that Hillary has been at the front lines of the gun control debate untill now, she is mostly quiet about the issue, or even making a couple comments that can be skewed as pro-gun, but make no mistake that it is nothing short of leading gun toting sheep to the slaughter. We tend to be the gun toting sheepdogs on the issues, protecting the heard from wolves and alerting them when danger is around, we have less than 2 years to alert as much of the "heard" as we can, and hope we can keep a wolf in sheeps clothing from entering the whitehouse.



and heres everyone for comparison
June 9, 2004: It was inevitable the passing of Ronald Reagan would stir memories of those knew him.
Not only does it not even mention Hillary it is a story from three years ago about a story from forty years ago
How could it possibly reflect on her present views about anything
I think Howard Dean, is having a considerable influence over these politicians. Remember, Dean got an A rating from the NRA, but now runs the DNC. He saw how gun control lost Gore the election. I think he's using his influence to make sure - even if they are an anti - to keep the issue dead.

No backlash after VA Tech really either. Most Dems want nothing to do with gun control. Its a loser. Didn't Biden say "Let's not rush gun control" after VA tech? And Obama is even backing off a bit? It's a good thing in a way.

That said, I wouldn't trust ANY of the current crop of canidates from either party. Looks like I'll be voting for the lesser of all evils again...
Why is it that when Mitt Romney, George Bush, or Rudy Giuliani want to ban assault weapons, Republicans tend to ignore it... but when Hillary wants to do the same thing, everyone freaks out?

I am voting for Ron Paul in the primary. If everyone would quit lying to themselves about Republicans being better then Democrats on the gun issue, more people would vote for Ron Paul. Conservatives are in a state of denial. Somehow, the media has convinced them that voting for a liberal Republican is a vote for conservatism.
If that is what she thinks she has to say to get elected, she will say it. If elected, though, she won't be able to sign anti-gun bills or even executive orders fast enough, IMO.
Why is it that when Mitt Romney, George Bush, or Rudy Giuliani want to ban assault weapons, Republicans tend to ignore it... but when Hillary wants to do the same thing, everyone freaks out?
In fairness, because the Republicans tend to listen to us (gun owners) more to get our votes. As an example, my local rep is not a "gun guy", but always signs on to the latest pro-2A bill at the state level. He doesn't push 2A issues, but always signs on.

That doesn't mean I will automatically vote for a R. My vote is based almost entirely on 2A issues, so much so I'd have voted for Howard Dean over GW in the last election.
Don't see how you put Fred in same category as Rudy and Mitt. Fred has been strong pro-gun, Rudy strong anti gun and Mitt can't make up his mind.
From "On the Issues".
Fred Thompson on Gun Control
Click here for 5 full quotes on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.
Allowing concealed carry could have limited VA Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)
Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
If everyone would quit lying to themselves about Republicans being better then Democrats on the gun issue, more people would vote for Ron Paul.

Um, I hate to state the ridiculously obvious, but Republicans ARE better on the gun issue than Democrats. Look at all the cumulative gun related Congressional votes in the past twenty years and count D's and R's.

I'm really surprised you attempted to float that one.

The average republican candidate doesn't hold a candle to Dr. Paul on the issue, of course, but Dr. Paul's support could double and he's still out of the race by a mile. Not a convenient truth, but a truth, nevertheless.
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