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Rambo - gun movie - SPOILERS.

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Feb 14, 2004
South Florida
Yes I know Rambo is cheesy but I still love the franchise. Anyways I saw it today and of course there are lots of guns.

Rambo uses a pistol for the first time but I could not make out what kind. Of course he is faster than Doc Holiday at his peak and Rambo is now 61!

He has the belt fed, some kind of 12.7mm or 14.5mm Chicom or Russian machine gun.

Best of all is the mercenary team. The team leader has some kind of shotgun with a M4 stock. One guy had a Barrett .50 and another had a Sig SG 552 I think.

Lots and lots of AKs and the ever present and very effective bow. Though it's more conventional now.
lol, the supressed barret, not waking up everyone was kinda funny, as was the gore on the M2 gun shield.
i wouldn't be totally surprised if the US military ended up in Burma. strategic postition, on the Muslim/non-muslim border, genocide.
The shotgun was either the Remington 870 or the Mossberg 500/590. It had a Magpul M93 rear stock attached to the Mesa Tactical M4 adapter block. Mesa Tactical top receiver rail with an EOTech 551 holographic weapon sight. I don't recall seeing it fired.

Barrett M82 50BMG with a Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman II series riflescope. Amazingly enough, when the camera uses the scope viewpoint, it accurately showed the P-3 reticle option on the S&B scope which does have the illuminated center crosshair and non-illuminated mildot arms. Usually the scope viewpoint in movies is a made up reticle. The only error was the green tint. I did not see a piggyback image intensifier but most of the firearm shots were fairly brief so it was difficult to identify details.

I stayed for the credits and there was about a half dozen armorers for the movie itself...only one western name I recognized. Most of the credits belonged to Thai people. Gil Hibbens gets credits for cutlery but I don't recall seeing any knives other than the homemade machete. I think he used his signature knife in the "gutting scene" but I don't recall seeing it at all.
Not a Colt 1911a1 I bet...

I saw the TV ad where John J pulls what looks like a 1911a1 .45acp and get's busy. ;)

I doubt it was a Colt. Way back in the 1980s big Sly sued Colt Industries for using his name on an engraved 1911a1 .45acp Officer's model. He had a valid point because Colt ran the magazine ad w/o his documented permission.

I plan to see the new Rambo so no more spoilers PLEASE!!!! :D

Rusty S
Don't guess I will see it, as Stalone is anti-gun!


Stalone disgusts me in a lot of ways. He made his fortune playing with guns on movies, and then has come out against guns.

The hypocrisy enters when you discover that HE had a CCW but did not support others to have one. Elitism at its best.

Now I will probably see Rambo at some point. I have Blockbuster unlimited where I pay a flat monthly rate. I'll probably grab it at some point when nothing good comes out that week. But I won't play into the Box Office numbers.

-- John
There any car chases in the movie? Gunfights, explosions, gore, sly's politics aside, it seems like a decent guy flick, just needs some kinda car chase.

I'll wait for the DVD and rent it though.
If there is any question of Stallonies antigun position he made the NRA list of shame - http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?ID=15 and has been outed here - http://thecitizensjournalblog.blogspot.com/2007/08/sylvester-stallone-anti-gun-activist.html. What irks me is as stated above he has made a fortune with movies of rather extreme violence by the characters - with or without firearms - but publically trashes most of his audiences 2 nd. amendment rights while geting himself a CCW. I guess I am narrow minded but I am avoiding this movie and will not buy the DVD as a part of my message to him and other hollowood elites.
Jwarren that amazes me that he's anti gun. I saw the movie last night, one of the baddest assed movies I have ever seen, just loved it, but the message that was made throughout was defenitly pro-gun. It basically said that violence is defenitly necessary, and the anti gun group that went into burma to help out with peace finally realized that you have to fight for change.

Stallones character in the movie is so pro gun, and considering stallone was the director, its mind boggeling that he would send a message like that.
Jwarren that amazes me that he's anti gun. I saw the movie last night, one of the baddest assed movies I have ever seen, just loved it, but the message that was made throughout was defenitly pro-gun. It basically said that violence is defenitly necessary, and the anti gun group that went into burma to help out with peace finally realized that you have to fight for change.

Stallones character in the movie is so pro gun, and considering stallone was the director, its mind boggeling that he would send a message like that.

Wolf in sheep's Clothing Perhaps?
If you're going to avoid a movie because of a lead actor's political views, then you shouldn't watch ANY movies at all. Considering there are dozens of key people that are filmed in movies and hundreds or thousands in the total production process, I am willing to bet its virtually impossible to find a movie done entirely by pro-gun (or even gun neutral) folks unless you're watching some NRA or gunsmithing video. It's all a matter of how much digging into the film's crew you do before throwing in the towel.

"Find a pro-gun college campus"
"find a pro-gun place of work"
"find a movie with pro-gun actors"

I'm sure everyone here has given dollars unwittingly to some anti-gun person. Despite certain ignorant viewpoints on reality by people that believe in evil firearms, you still have to deal with a human population with opposing viewpoints. :neener:
Just accept that it's my personal choice. I vote with my dollars.

I franky don't care that he isn't PRO-GUN. I care about the fact that he is ANTI-GUN.

Dinner is almost ready, so I don't have time to look it up, but you should see his comments.

And then I found out that HE had had a CCW WHILE saying Anti-gun statements.

Your choice is yours. Mine is mine. I am OK with mine.


Here is an interesting thread on him from a while back:



I encourage you to read through the above link. If you can get through it, it tells an interesting talke of the Freedom of Information Act.

But yes... its HARD to find anyone in Hollywood who HASN'T made anti-gun statments. See here:



-- John
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damn, lol, he DID apply for a CCW in 2004! For an anti gunner that is pure gold, however I didn't see any statements of anti-gun past 1998... Anti gun people can change to pro gun over time, rarely is it the other way around, however maybe stallone has changed his logic?
I did, I was anti gun about 2 years ago and look at me now, I can't get enough of them. The facts eventually stare you in the face and you just can't lie to yourself anymore that not having firearms is a good idea.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but isn't the creator of everyone's favorite gun-o-gasm Firefly, Joss Wheadon... isn't he pretty vocal about his own anti-gun stance?

If y'all can make an exception in Joss' case, how about ole' Sly?

Hey, John! Long time, no thread-chat! How's it going? Not for the first time, I agree with JWarren there about his voting with his dollars and I must admit I'll do the same in this case.

I get enough violence, gore, and bloodshed every time I talk with my ex, anyway....
Anti gun, bad dialogue, HGH popping, yes that is all Stallone. I give him credit for making this movie to make himself some cash while trying to call attention to a real problem most of the world wants to ignore. Better than most of the Hollywood insta-causes and it sure beat making nice with Hugo Chavez as is popular out in movieland.

Saw the movie. For me the most suspension of disbelief was required with the supressed .50 that no one seemed to hear. If that's the worst that should tell you this isn't a typical Rambo. Loved it.

On weapons I appreciate that the movie was mostly free of John Woo gun-handling, CGI, and hollyweird explosions. I thought the weapons effects were plausible, as in the M2 shooting down the long axis of the truck and going through everyone, other shots of .50 passing through and doing damage. Where did the impoverished rebels get an AT-4 though?
He has the belt fed, some kind of 12.7mm or 14.5mm Chicom or Russian machine gun.

A Russian DSHK 12.7x107mm, perhaps? I only mention it because usually when I see a non-M2 crew-served .50 in a movie, it's a DSHK.

Picture of the DSHK. I handled a DSHK, in Iraq. It's a sweet piece of gear. They are usually found without the shoulder pads, though:

Picture of the 12.7x108mm. It's longer than the .50BMG by 9mm and is much thicker, providing significantly increased case capacity (350 of water compared to the .50BMG at 290 grains). However, the literature I've read states that the Soviet loadings were only approximately equivalent to the .50BMG, despite the extra case capacity:
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