Sunday Night Football anti-gun sermon

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cmon guys. Havent you learned anything.

Bob Costas didnt rant about gun ownership in the United States. His microphone did.
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Well if we use Costa's line of argument, making drugs like heroin illegal should stop or lessen the drug overdose problem.....oh wait, heroin is already illegal. Yeah right.

How about some meaningful commentary on how we as a society have issues with how we relate to each other and resolve disagrements. This is most concerning considering how polarization of the country is getting. If we can't learn to resolve disputes without resorting to harming our "advesary", we all soon be at each other's throats. By harm, I mean not only physical, but even emotional, financial, psychological etc. The issue with the Jovan's murder / suicide is not a gun issue but rather a specific example of this social problem we are facing.
I just listened to the Whitlock radio interview and he literally called the NRA the new KKK and blamed us for arming gangs as if it were some genocidal conspiracy. That sort of rhetoric hasn't been heard for a long long time.

Whitlock is a moron. He said football is our god and gun culture was responsible for this murder/suicide. He also talked about the team "honoring" the murderer by displaying his jersey in the locker room. I want no part of a culture that honors murderers.

Sorry Whitlock, football may be your "god" but it isn't mine and the culture of football is where you should direct your blame for this murder/suicide if you can't take the direct route and blame the shooter.

I believe in this odd little theory called "individual responsibility" which seems to be a dying belief in this country....
I just listened to the Whitlock radio interview and he literally called the NRA the new KKK and blamed us for arming gangs as if it were some genocidal conspiracy. That sort of rhetoric hasn't been heard for a long long time.

His speach is a lot closer to the KKK's speech than the NRA's. Mindless, and baseless fear mongering. The NRA isn't trying to deny the rights of any specific group....people like Whitlock are.
O'Reilly has always been a elitist Anti. The fanboys just haven't wanted to accept it.

That's true, and he is in the NYC "bubble" so to most there he seems like the Pres of the NRA. He doesn't believe we should be able to have "weapons of war" like AR-15's which he calls assault weapons. He does believe we should be able to own a handgun in our home (gee thanks) but not an "arsenal of guns in our basement". :rolleyes:
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This is really simple.

Assault is illegal. Murder is illegal. There are innumerable methodologies for perpetrating both, and which to use is the perp's personal choice. A person who has what he sees as sufficient reason to kill another person will find a way. This NFL linebacker was clearly troubled enough to kill someone close to him and himself, and everybody missed it. Whatever was eating at him was the cause of these deaths, not his chosen method of carrying them out.

There are many, many more handgun owners who have never killed anyone and never will (even in defense) than there are handgun owners who have killed with a handgun or ever will. By and large, these law-abiding handgun owners have never committed and most likely never will commit murder or assault with anything else either.

The other side of the coin: There is but one truly effective defense against assault by someone whose physical size, speed, and strength vastly outstrips that of his intended victim--a firearm. Not the courts, not the police, not locked doors, not pepper spray or mace. As has been noted in this thread by folks who claim first-hand experience, Bob Costas goes around with armed security. That's because he knows and leverages what he would deny to us ordinary peons: A gun levels the playing field like nothing else.

Nobody likes to leak.
Who needs Costas or the NFL?
Who needs SPORTS???

Costas is a quinessentially trivial man, discussing a quintessentially trivial subject.

His branching out into things of which he has no knowledge only confirms his own irrelevance... and the gullibility of those who would attribute any meaning to his utterances.

His simply BEING a sports "commentator" disqualifies him from having any meaningful opinions on ANY subject which matters.
I just listened to the Whitlock radio interview and he literally called the NRA the new KKK and blamed us for arming gangs as if it were some genocidal conspiracy. That sort of rhetoric hasn't been heard for a long long time.
Don't forget that he ALSO said that the NRA distributes drugs in the Black community.

If so, he's gotten the lion's share of the product...
Sent my e-mail to NBC telling them how inappropriate it is to let Costas bring his anti-gun politics into a Sports event and to please keep him from spouting his anti-American political views. (my exact words were a little better sounding).
I knew there was a reason why I can't stand football and refuse to watch, participate or comment on any of it. Except just now.:neener:
Email the NFL and NBC and demand that Costas either backtrack his statements or be fired.

The problem is that millions of men and women are drones who watch pro sports and will blindly follow...
Deanimator said:
Who needs SPORTS???

Costas is a quinessentially trivial man, discussing a quintessentially trivial subject.

His branching out into things of which he has no knowledge only confirms his own irrelevance... and the gullibility of those who would attribute any meaning to his utterances.

His simply BEING a sports "commentator" disqualifies him from having any meaningful opinions on ANY subject which matters.

That one made me laugh. I just read it to my other half, and she really liked it. I played football when I was in school, and watch a game every once in a great while these days. But, I completely agree with your point: this man's entire public existence centers around his ability to discuss a subject that simply doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things football is completely unimportant, and having an intimate knowledge of the subject doesn't likely imply that you have any expertise in any other particular subject.
I posted this on their Facebook page.

Until Mr. Costas and NBC apologizes to the families who have suffered domestic violence and have needed to protect their safety with a firearm NBC Sports and their sponsors will receive not one penny of my money or moment of my time.
Edward R. Murrow, the father of television news broadcasting, was right: just because technology allows a man's opinion to be heard across the country does not make his opinion any more correct than it was back in the days when his voice carried only to the end of the bar.
We have a local school administrator that I have had this conversation with many times before. He was not very athletic, and idolized those that were (like Costas). I can't convince him that putting athletes up on a pedestal, above the rules, is a bad thing. It's especially bad here due to our small school size, and the "need" for the good athletes to play in the big game.
I have a Facebook account but do not use it a lot. Does anyone have links to things I can "like" and "share" regarding this?
No mention of the issue of concussions....nooooo. The issue of concussion within the NFL would get too close to their pockets so lets blame a man's demented act on guns...always safe..just like bitchin about Wall Street when the economy is bad. Bob is just a lickspit flunky.
Everyone is looking at this wrong. We must ban footballs so that no one will become a football player and murder their girlfriend.
There's a certain amount of irony in the people who say that they want to address the underlying causes rather than blame guns, but still support the professional football industry.
Edward R. Murrow, the father of television news broadcasting, was right: just because technology allows a man's opinion to be heard across the country does not make his opinion any more correct than it was back in the days when his voice carried only to the end of the bar.

That was great.
Mr Costas

Edward R. Morrow once said:"Just because technology allows a man's opinion to be heard across the country does not make his opinion any more correct than it was back in the days when his voice carried only to the end of the bar."

Which just about says it for me concerning Mr Costa's rant on SNF.

His opinion is not based on facts and I would be happy to explore those facts with you should you be so inclined.

There is plenty of blame to go around when tragic events such as this occur and I find his comments offensive and utterly inappropriate.

The fact he is completely WRONG in his opinion is the beauty of this country and the 1st amendment, don't forget that the 2nd amendment purchased all the rest.

I don't need SNF nor any NBC sports to be entertained, especially Mr Costas who has lost ALL credibilty with me as he speaks of things he knows nothing about and fulfills Mr Morrows judgement of those who use a bully pulpit to propagate an opinion instead of sticking to that which they know.

Just report the sports and keep the under informed opinions to yourself.

E Mail I sent to all of the above NBC executives.;)
Hi all, been away for a while and am glad to be back on this site.
Use to be on the 'fence' on firearms issues, but realized you can't be.
I am solidly pro-gun and absolutely support the 2nd Amendment.
As for the media commentator, all I can do is shake my head.
Bob Costas

I refer you to my previous e mail and to the Edward R Morrow quote I feel was so appropriate.

Now it keeps getting better and better.

Now Mr Costas believes in gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment he just doesn't like semi automatic weapons.

Would Mr Costas been more relieved if the girlfriend had only been shot 6(six) times instead of nine(9). How about 8(eight) as you know we have eight(8) shot revolvers now.

Are you kidding me? Another quote which comes to mind is: "Better to remain silent and have people think you a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt."

The semi automatic mechanism has been around since the turn of the 19th century; that's 1900 for those who have forgotten. It's still one shot for one trigger pull, not full auto where the gun shoots all it's rounds until the magazine is empty. A revolver is the same, one shot per trigger pull. It's not the mechanism it's the idiot behind the weapon and one would think that Mr Costas, who obviously is better informed than the rest of us, would know that before he removes that doubt.

I'm fed up, this isn't getting better and you are in danger of losing those of us who believe all freedom is sacred by your uneducated, ill informed diatribe. Know that facts and maybe we can solve some of our societies ills....together.

Sent another letter after reading the transcripts of Costas's interview on a sports talk show.:barf:
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