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What would it take?

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Oct 6, 2005
Upstate SC
A lot of argument's I hear against defending yourself with a gun come from the macho "I can kick your ass I don't need a gun" type's. Which in some case's may be true but I'd like to see them kick the ass of a criminal with a gun 30 feet away before the criminal shoot's them.

But it does raise a question in my mind and get's the hamster wheel spinning.

(Anyone feel free to answer but this question it is considering you have a CCW and have a gun on you)

What would it take for you to pull your gun on someone during a confrontation?

Would just the confrontation that threatens to become physical be enough for you to pull it to keep the other person from attacking you?

Multiple potential attacker's even if they aren't armed with any weapon's?

Or would it have to take the other person/s actually having weapon's or there being a lot of them that you know really take's the odd's off your side (don't care how good you are five guy's is a problem).

And any other potential scenario's you personally would consider enough to pull your weapon on someone else to protect yourself or someone else.

So you are walking down the street minding your business and get into a confrontation. Just what would it take for you to draw your gun?
What would it take-

The inability to resolve the situation in a less violent manner! You can't just pull a weapon unless someone is in imminent danger and you've exhausted other options(did you try to run/use your OC or baton, etc?) There is legal justification to use your firearm in defense of yourself and others through something called "disparity of force" For example- if the assailant you were confronting was known to be significantly stronger/better fighter. If there were multiple assailants(lesser armed/or unarmed counts)

Also if the assailant(s) were assaulting a child/handicapped person/ female etc. you may also be justified. (The law is more likely to allow a woman to use lethal force against a male because they are perceived as having less upper body strength-whether this si true or not!)

The courts are often very hard on those who have used a firearm for defense-you MUST consider the possible legal ramifications of presenting/using your weapon- PRIOR TO DOING SO!

Sorry for the long answer- heres the short one- not unless I absolutely had to to protect myself or someone else!

Thanks for the detailed reply. The thread isn't really here for advice, it is just for matter's of opinion. Some people are quicker to draw then other's and sut wanted to see what was people's opinion's on it.
I would go with my gut. If my gut tells me that I am in danger then its time for me to flip the switch. I have some health issues and I'm not dukeing it out with any younger or multiple aggressors. They get a warning, then they get shot. I guess I will worry about what happens after the threat is gone.
Guns are called "the great equalizers" for some very good reasons. I would make any and all attempts to avoid pulling a gun, but not long enough for a bad situation to turn worse.

For myself, a lot of it is going with a gut feeling. Not to dodge the question, but there are a million little variables that I just can't quantify speculatively.

I guess if I see a weapon that is threatening myself or someone near me, I'm going for mine. Likewise, if my family is with me (wife & 2yr. old daughter) and we're confronted with a violent temperament, using a weapon to stop the threat is part of my plan (along with 1) retreat & 2) call police)...simply because my family represents a greater vulnerability than myself alone and they require more defense.

I guess I see force continuum as including pulling the gun...but don't see pulling the gun as the first step down that road. I *do* have a command voice, after all.

Gun is certainly a last resort kind of tool...definitely don't ever want to have to shoot someone or, more precisely, have to explain to the police, my lawyer and ultimately a jury, why I shot someone.
The answer to the question you asked is quite simple.
You will draw your weapon when:
1) you have already decided you are going to have to shoot, and
2) you are prepared to accept the consequences of having done so.

Maybe I don't understand your question.
Are you asking what would cause me to make that decision?

Let me answer that with a couple facts:
1) Most of my friends and I are senior citizens, meaning frail and oftentimes with dangerous "conditions".
2) We all are "owned" by our grandchildren, and there is a grade school just a block from home filled with other little darlings just like them.

That means fangs on a medium-sized mutt and aggression by any fairly healthy human being can put me in fear of serious injury.

I will draw (and fire if needed) any time there is an immediate, and otherwise unavoidable, danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent (innocent meaning me or another person for whom I am responsible, such person not having escalated the situation or 'egged it on').

If those conditions do not exist, I will not use my gun.


You must be able to articulate how your life was in danger at the moment you pulled the trigger. -- Marty Hayes
Someone else replied to this type of question with "If you wonder whether it's time to pull out your gun, it's not".

The course I took made me believe that the acceptable answer is that I will pull the weapon only when I have decided to shoot. The only time I will do that is if I feel my life or someone elses is in imminent danger.

It is barely possible that once having pulled the gun out of my holster something will make me change my mind (like the BG falls on his face arms outstreached and empty). If my life is in danger enough to pull the gun then no warnings, no shots in the air.
I do not presently carry a gun and never had a CCW. If I were carrying I would try to defuse the situation without threats of using a firearm. If the situation deteriorates to the point I feel my life or the life of anybody around is in danger I would shoot.

Do not get into a wreasling match if you are carrying because the gun could end up in the bad guys hands.
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