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NOT A TROLL - Serious Question

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This has certainly gone off the rails.... I would suggest that focusing on the misuse of punctuation has an elitist tinge of arrogance to it which certainly doesn't elevate your position any.

I would like to see a serious study of the overuse of psychotropic drugs on our youth and the connection with later behaviors, including the suicide rate. I believe a number of the young mass killers, including the Massachusetts school shooter and the Aurora theater shooter, had been users of psychotropic drugs in their youth. I believe that is a contributing factor in youth violence that neither the government nor the press has been willing to address.
"1.) "Hispanic" means "Spanish speaking" -- it does not relate to a race. Many "Hispanics" are indeed black and/or white."
In the context of his statement, "Hispanic" means exactly what the census people compiling the crime stats say it means, which is probably people from a south American background that aren't dark-skinned & of tenuous African heritage. I assume no color chart is provided.

"I think its a combination of ignoring mental illness in this country, the moral decay of society and the inherent corrupt culture of the black's."
Crassly stated, but I think the only part an objective person could take issue with is the "inherent" part. Black Americans had as healthy of familial/social structures as any other group in America right up until the War on Poverty created an enormous disincentive to maintain these crucial structures, and the War on Drugs provided an extremely lucrative alternative to legitimate commerce in the communities. Whatever effect 'ignoring' mental illness* has on violence, it affects a much smaller segment of the population than what is contributed by crime-ridden minority neighborhoods in America's biggest, most gun-hating urban centers.

*Is it because we're ignoring it, that we are awash in psychotropic pharmaceuticals treating everything from depression to smoking to restless leg syndrome? Or is it because we're ignoring, that there are endless public service announcements and the creation of medical & support programs all over the place? That prisons are paying more attention to the issue than they ever have before (which isn't saying much, but still)? About the only thing we're failing to do that has been done previously, when people claim (falsely) there were fewer problems with the mentally ill, is lock them up for their entire lives without due process, subject to the tender mercies of modern psychological medicine fads (see: pre-frontal lobotomy and Female Hysteria). The mentally ill can get help if they care to, and if they cannot but are not so damaged as to cede their individual freedoms? You can only lead a horse to water.

A 2012 study by the Chicago Police Department found that of the 500 or so homicides in the city, the perpetrators were about 2/3s Black, about 1/3 Hispanic, and less than 4% White. If we could change the violent Black and Hispanic cultures to match the White culture, we'd cut homicide by 90%.

I think its a combination of ignoring mental illness in this country, the moral decay of society and the inherent corrupt culture of the black's.

The quotes above from Vern and Colorado Shooter are incorrect on a few levels.

There is nothing inherently violent or corrupt in the "culture" of Black Americans or Latinos in the U.S. No more nor less so than any other Americans. Both Black folk and Mexican Americans are inseparably a part of American culture in all it's strengths and weaknesses and reflect that.

For several decades (since the crushing of Jim Crow) Causasions, Black Americans, Latinos, Asian folks of all varieties and others have worked side by side on the job on a daily basis. We've watched each others backs, been on strike, worked to improve safety, etc., etc. all with far less "ethnic conflict" than ever before. The U.S. working class is stronger for it and the face of the U.S. safer and more peaceful, fairer to all and more just as a result.

The idea that the U.S. being a multi ethnic nation is a source of violence is on the face of it wrong. Just not true. Besides, if you do buy into that you got no where to go to improve things. If Black and Mexican-American culture is inherently violent and corrupt the solution is either to destroy those things or as someone said "teach" millions of folks to act right. Bad idea all in all. But since it ain't true no worry...except maybe about the persons who act on such mistaken beliefs, Dylan Storm Roof comes to mind.

Crassly stated, but I think the only part an objective person could take issue with is the "inherent" part. Black Americans had as healthy of familial/social structures as any other group in America right up until the War on Poverty created an enormous disincentive to maintain these crucial structures, and the War on Drugs provided an extremely lucrative alternative to legitimate commerce in the communities.

This is very important to understand. LBJ's policies and the civil rights era effectively destroyed much of the black community. In the 1950s, you had quite high percentages of successful black professionals, and solid family units in the black community. As soon as government interfered, the entitlement & welfare state was created.

There is no "inherent" violence in a black man any more than a man of another race, but there is a culture of violence within a huge portion of that community today, and it seems a cycle that is increasingly difficult to break. The ones who rise up are often ostracized, called race traitors and uncle Toms. They become pariahs who often feel that they don't really belong to any major group in this country. I'm not giving an excuse for the behavior exhibited by so many that leads to the statistics, just pointing out that there are, in fact, reasons for it, and the melanin content of the skin in and of itself ain't one of 'em.
What do you say to the supporters of Donald Trump, who is obviously a racist bigot? I personally find him to be disgusting.

He will destroy the GOP and put Hillary into the White House.....which infuriates me.
What do you say to the supporters of Donald Trump, who is obviously a racist bigot?

Despite the narrative the media frames it with, illegal alien is an immigration status, and muslim is a religion. Mexicans seem to take "illegal" as racist since they are most often the group being cited, but that's flawed on two planes: Mexican is a nationality, not a race and (obviously) illegal refers to any person of any race or nationality who enters a country unlawfully.

So, while bigoted is accurate to a degree, I can't say I've actually heard anything racist from him.

I'm a Cruz supporter myself, though.
Like the out of wedlock birth rate of the black's being over 70%? Like the rampant single parent homes in the black community, total breakdown of the family unit.

With the exception of the Ben Carson's of the world, a lot of young black youth aren't taught proper morals and values.

Look at Baltimore, the city administration is pretty much black and its turned into a warzone.

So you're trying to defend your ignorant and racist comments?

FWIW, a great many you men (and women) of all ethnicities "aren't taught proper morals and values."

Your comments are disgusting.
What do you say to the supporters of Donald Trump, who is obviously a racist bigot? I personally find him to be disgusting.

He will destroy the GOP and put Hillary into the White House.....which infuriates me.

I seriously doubt Trump is a "racist bigot." Even if he is, he's too shrewd to tip his hand.

I suspect he bought into a schema from his handlers to boost his visibility even more (based in part on the Jimmy Carter/Iranian past) and it blew up in his face.
Based on some other comments I was just thinking about a city like Los Angeles during and after WWII, well into the 1960's. Predominantly black communities like South Los Angeles were actually quite nice and safe.

Programs like LBJ's "great society", public housing, a constant loss of good jobs to overseas, racist/corrupt police, drugs, etc., etc. did a helluva lot more to pull down such communities than the level of melanin found in the inhabitants' skin.

FWIW, I do judge people on forums like this once it becomes clear they don't realize that "blacks" does not equate to "black's." A lesson they should have quite literally learned in grade school.
"In the context of his statement, "Hispanic" means exactly what the census people compiling the crime stats say it means, which is probably people from a south American background that aren't dark-skinned & of tenuous African heritage. I assume no color chart is provided."

The HUGE majority of "Hispanics" in the US are of Mexican origin. Mexico is part of NORTH AMERICA...

And I thought the apostrophes were bad...
I seriously doubt Trump is a "racist bigot." Even if he is, he's too shrewd to tip his hand.

I suspect he bought into a schema from his handlers to boost his visibility even more (based in part on the Jimmy Carter/Iranian past) and it blew up in his face.

Strangely enough, his poll numbers went up from 30% to 35% after his Muslim comments.
No matter what his says, he continues to rise. Like watching a cobra perhaps. People may be appalled but they can't take their eyes off of him.
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