Read Unintended Consequences again

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Sep 12, 2010
Every few years, when a bunch of new gun laws are introduced, I pull up my PDF of "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross and read it. For those who aren't familiar with it, it is a fictional work, with a lot of actual truths and history in it, about the "gun culture" in the US and the laws made to suppress gun ownership beginning with the 1934 NFA. Abuses by the FBI, the ATF, and other agencies are chronicled.
Hard copies are expensive since John only had one printing, and they go from $150 and up. It is downloadable if you search around.
My warning: You will be triggered as you read about many things that have happened since WWI.
I don't bring this up to upset anyone, just to remind you that freedom is fleeting and on thin ice now.
If this should have been in "Activism", so be it. A thoroughly educational read.
Wow, read that one years ago.....
Quite an eye opener, and being able to mail order 20mm Lahti anti-tank cannon back in the early 60's.....
I have a hardcover first edition I read when it first came out. It was a rather controversial book, aside from the main character's .... interactions .... with the federal leos, some felt the character's actions were ..... well, let's say, debatable, in some ways.
I guess some people expect heroes to be pure of heart, like Captain James T. Kirk. copy of the book .... it's NOT FOR SALE.:neener: (sorry).
Any chance the author could post it up to Amazon self pub or Draft2Digital? More people could read it; he could get paid.
@TomJ Thank you kindly sir for the link. I was hoping for a Kindle version that was cheaper than $200. But one can convert the .pdf to kindle format easily online so I did that and am looking forward to reading it over Christmas vacation.

Is there a place to donate some money to the author that anyone knows of? I want to support those who give of themselves, we have too many takers in our society today, and I vow not to become one of them. So if anyone knows how to repay John Ross let me know.
His old website brings up a fake warning scam.
I doubt he needs the money, he is a financial advisor and has a large gun collection. He considers himself the daddy of the .500 S&W, at least the 4" barrel version.
He did a column or blog called Ross In Range that was interesting but he did not keep it up.
Should be mandatory reading for anyone who believes in the 2nd Amendment. This book is just as relevant, if not moreso, than it was when it was written.
I checked the book out at the public library. They kept it behind the counter & you had to ask for it. Plus I was led to believe that ATF/FBI/DHS was keeping a list of who had checked it out.
John still posts here from time to time.
Not for a while.

Interesting factoid: he ran for Congress as a Democrat.

As far as his books go (I believe the other one was "Foreign and Domestic"), they were okay reads, but a little over the top for me, nothing I'd re-read as gospel. I much prefer the writings of A. American and J. L. Bourne (the "Tomorrow War") and William Forschten in this particular genre of America gone wrong ... Bourne and Forschten in particular are well-educated, describe technology much more effectively and are simply better writers.

And these books are readily available at normal prices, can sometimes be found at Barnes and Nobel.
A. American is a good writer, not over the top, with enough action and survival ideas to keep it interesting. His "home" series of books was really great and though provoking on tough situations if societal unrest should ever occur. He has a bent towards firearms so there are parts where he details the guns he and his family has which is cool.
@TomJ Thank you kindly sir for the link. I was hoping for a Kindle version that was cheaper than $200. But one can convert the .pdf to kindle format easily online so I did that and am looking forward to reading it over Christmas vacation.

Is there a place to donate some money to the author that anyone knows of? I want to support those who give of themselves, we have too many takers in our society today, and I vow not to become one of them. So if anyone knows how to repay John Ross let me know.

His member name here is John Ross - send him a PM and he will get an e-mail.
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