Am I overreacting?

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Dec 14, 2009
Socialist State of California
Hi all. The other night there was a movie coming on T.V. that my wife thought I’d like to see. I looked at the cast list and said to my wife, “I’m not watching anything with that hypocrite in it! He gives tons of money to anti 2A groups.” I can’t remember the name of the movie or the name of the actor. This has happened before. My wife says that if that is my attitude, my movie choices will be very limited. What do you think? Can you separate the anti 2A actor from the character and enjoy the movie?
I Can't Completely...

I Can't Completely disagree. I really think that Hollywood is trying to determine who we think are the good actors. Same with comedians. They are trying to tell us who is funny. I hope I am not the only one who notices this.

To answer your question, I can't disreguard their political view entirely and enjoy their acting. They are supposed to be entertainers, so I don't give a rat's @$$ what their worldly views are. Certain movies I won't even give a try for this reason. I don't need Snooki's shopping list so I will know what to buy when I go to Winn Dixie. So what turns you off because of this is warranted. To what extent is totaly personal...
A lot of times I have no idea whatsoever what the chief actors in a movie I'm watching think about gun control.
The very few times I care is when they do some dumb-@ss "drive-by" when a microphone is present and say something stupid and antigun.
If OTOH they are willing to engage in an intelligent debate or discussion I will be more tolerant. This seems a bit rare; I don't think many Hollywood types have a great deal of smarts.
I did watch the season of 24 when Janeane Garafolo was in it. She is one of the dumbies. But the show was still pretty good.
I can, but I'm pretty picky about the movies I'll spend my time watching.
Bingo. I can separate people from their views, but there are numerous very talented actors and actresses I'm no longer willing to pay. I'd much rather pay to see a cast full of antis in a legitimately clean, funny movie, than a cast full of 2A supporters who are willing to take roles that make jokes out of unnecessary cursing or blasphemy.
I have to be selective, for this reason, but at the same time, if I only watched entertainers whose beliefs perfectly match mine, it would be a pretty short list. I don't hate people for disagreeing with me. I don't hate people for SAYING in interviews that they disagree with me. But when they get involved in going out of their way to harm causes I like, they make the poop list.

Maybe I'm becoming a fogie, but I have a decreasing appetite for movies in particular, I usually fall asleep.
I watch less than 1 movie a year in the theater because I refuse to financially support an organization that is actively working against the republican form of government we are supposed to have here. I watch even less television because it interferes with my reading and studying of things historical and mechanical. I occasionally will watch a DVD of a newer movie but my DVD collection is mostly of old WWII movies and westerns although I have several independent movies that are late model. Doing something you don't like or don't care to support is healthy for your mind and attitude, but you should not force your wife to agree. Mine certainly doesn't.....
They are just doing their job their personal beliefs have no effect on the equation IMO. Just as my personal beliefs should not matter to my clients.
I do understand where your coming from on this. There are some actors I refuse to watch, but it mainly because I think annoying. There are actors I know are hard-core antis, but as long as they dont try to push their positions I dont really care. I watch them to be entertained, not to be told what to think
I am a lib in general, however I believe in the Bill of Rights and therefore the RKBA. I can easily separate an actors' personal views from their performance. Some of these actors are phenomenal in the extreme. In fact I find that with artists in general, the more talented they are, the more eccentric they are in their personal lives. Who cares?? A great film and a well acted part are as artistic as the best painting or the most well written song. Who am I to judge someone based on their personal beliefs? Especially when they can contribute so much to our arts.
Who cares?? A great film and a well acted part are as artistic as the best painting or the most well written song. Who am I to judge someone based on their personal beliefs? Especially when they can contribute so much to our arts

Problem is, they use their venue (movies/TV) to further their 'beliefs'. Have you seen the latest crop of anti-firearm public service announcements featuring various actors? How about Bob Costas getting on national TV during a freakin' FOOTBALL GAME coming down on gun ownership?

Wake up.
A fish, swimming in clear water can be a beautiful thing to watch. When out of the water, lying on the sand, rotting and stinking, it isn't so pretty. An actor can be like a fish, and when talking about anything but acting, is mostly like a fish out of water.
I am with you on this. If I am concious of the fact that they are a despicable jackwagon, I wont go see their movies. Danny Glover comes to mind as just one example. On the other hand, if I am unaware of their political views, I might go see a movie if it looks interesting. Lately, this hasn't happened. I find myself not watching TV or movies. Reading more than anything else. I choose to not support finacially, people who are trying to influence others to take my rights away.

Sure you can separate the character and the actor, but if your accountant did a great job keeping your finances in order and the best job possible with your taxes would you dump them because they visibly supported an Anti group? What if it were your doctor?

That's a decision that all of us get to make.
I rarely spend extra cash to watch mass media drivel at all. I do not bother with movies or cable and such. Free TV to watch the weather report on the local channel, and laugh at the stupid reporters that are pushing their views so blatantly. I have other things that my hard earned cash is used to provide for me. Most anything worth seeing is rebrodcast within the internet so I almost always reside at the computer keyboard to stay connected. Free WI-FI BTW from a local library. As is often quoted I vote with my cash and spend wisely.:scrutiny:
It depends on the actor. If an actor occasionally voices an opinion, that's one thing, but when they become an anti gun activist and consistently interject politics into everything, I tend to stay away. It depends on how irritating they are.

If you are an actor or musician and you start getting political, you're accountable for your statements, and you may end up driving people away. I watch or listen to entertainment to get away from politics, not to be told what I should think or believe or support.
If it's a movie by one of the uber-leftist hollywood "usefull idiots" I by-pass handing out money to see it and check it out free at our library.

As much as possible i try to hand out a few bucks to see movies done by conserviative or neutral actors/directors/producers.
Sure. I go to Bruce Springsteen concerts, one of which was in New York where I spent tourism dollars in the city. I'm a huge cinophile and typically see a film once a week at the theater. To me music and film are art forms that I strive to appreciate for both the story and the technical aspects of telling it. The value I see in those mediums reflecting the human experience, are a higher value to me than how the actors vote or what causes they support. In the professional sense I only care if someone is good at their craft. The flip side of that coin is that even if an actor or musician's views resemble my own, I won't rush out to see their film or buy their album if I have no reason to believe it's good. The art matters more to me than the personal life and views of the creator.

But I wouldn't begrudge anyone their own personal choice in the matter.
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