If you could "ban: one topic from THR...

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Jun 18, 2011
Easy pick for me: Anything and everything involving CNN's version of Jerry Springer, one Piers Morgan. Nothing he has to say matters to me, nor should it to the protection of RKBA.

He has an audience, but it is already mostly anti-2A, so he's not convincing anyone of anything. He says the same thing to every "guest" and never has a shred of evidence to back up any of it. I will not go to those PM video links anymore, as all they do is infuriate me.

No, I'm not really suggesting we ban anything, but I'm really sick of these "PM got it handed to him" posts.

Secure from RANT.
I'd like people to stop telling others to "just move to another state" when a state hands down bad laws. Like anyone who has any sort of a LIFE can just pick up and move whenever they feel like it........
Reposts. Especially reposts of questions that have already been answered numerous times and could be re-answered with a simple Google search.
PM for sure. i can't stand the notion of our contributing to his internet search engine returns.

Other than that it would be the "sour grapes", gouging/won't sell at what I think it's worth whine-fests.
Anything containing the word 'socialist' as an epithet, particularly when it is clear that the poster has absolutely no idea what socialism is.
I'm not in favor of banning anything. I want this forum to be open to any gun related topic.
If some on this forum don't want to read it, they should just move on to the next topic.
Basically, any uninformed or ignorant post. In particular, something they could have used a search engine to discover in about 2 seconds, and read on 1,269,042 websites. And, after less than an hour, reposting "NOBODY??" Which means, "I can't be bothered with research and learning, give me the important information NOW!"

It gets reeaaalll quiet after that. :rolleyes:

Last are posters who can't see the infinite wisdom in everything I post. I bet you have the same problem, too, except, you're wrong. :neener:
This is the most restictive gun board on the web. That is by design and the choice of the admins. I see no reason to restrict it any more because you do no want to read certain things.
Mossberg vs. Remington.
Remington vs. Savage.
Glock vs. 1911.
Glock vs. Springfield.

Until something changes, the thousands of threads on topics like that should suffice.
Without a doubt, I submit the " IF YOU COULD ONLY HAVE......(insert number here) GUNS, WHAT WOULD YOU PICK? :banghead:
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