Anyone have a complete picture of the new Springfield gun?

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I've never seen a reason to buy an HS produkt pistol. Why do they add that silly grip thing safety, it's not a 1911.

They need to sell blanks to install in it's place so you can remove that "safety"
Saturday morning ...

After feeding the critters, eating breakfast and cleaning up I opened this thread for the first time, prior returning the 3.3XDs45 to the back pocket of my 501s and heading downstairs to do some work at the reloading bench.


And, yes, I actually did spill some coffee while laughing out loud at some of the thoughts shared in this thread. :D

Thanks for the great beginning to my Saturday, guys! :)

["I like how they label the grip for you. In case you get confused about where to hold it." <chuckle>]
I've never seen a reason to buy an HS produkt pistol. Why do they add that silly grip thing safety, it's not a 1911.
I'm not sure I understand the question or your reasoning. Why would it be acceptable to have a grip safety on a 1911 but not acceptable on any other design?
Yeah, the "Grip Zone" is utterly ridiculous. Wouldn't buy one for that reason alone.

If someone needs a label on grip, they aren't smart enough to handle a firearm.

Seriously, what were they thinking? They ruined it............


"Internet Warrior" indeed!! Tom Gresham had some great comments about "Internet Warriors" with regard to this "Grip Zone" non-issue.

Begin around 23 minutes into it...
The "grip zone" thing is absurd, but I think it actually looks pretty good otherwise
I like it and see it as a new trend setter.

Along with "Grip zone" we can start labeling "safety zone", "loud zone", "sight zone" et al...

Then: "No Thumb" on the back of the slide in the manner of "No Step" on aircraft.

I gotta say though USAFVET's "danger zone" takes the cake... Damn funny.
I like the XD and have had as many as three at once. Down to two right now. I held the new one in a shop the other day. I don't see that its any better than my subcompact XD9.

When it comes to the bore axis; it is not an issue to me, kind of like the "dreaded" Glock grip angle.
By design, this is a concealed carry defensive gun. Who gives a poop what is written on the grip, as long as it suits an individual's needs? What about the caliber, manufacturer, country of origin, and all the other things written on guns?
By design, this is a concealed carry defensive gun. Who gives a poop what is written on the grip, as long as it suits an individual's needs? What about the caliber, manufacturer, country of origin, and all the other things written on guns?
The caliber, manufacturer, country, ect all tell us something important about the gun. "Grip Zone" does not

If this was the only gun that suited the needs of a shooter then you could ignore things like "grip zone" but there are a lot of alternatives to choose from.

Just like having a pink kitten or a green zombie on my gun, there are some things that look so bad they will keep me from buying, because again there are a lot of alternatives out there
Would you not buy a hammer that you otherwise liked just because it said "grip zone" on the handle?
Not if there was another equally capable hammer available that did not have it.

Just like a pink or purple gun. If someone wants one that is their business, but i will pass.
Once I saw the picture I immediately thought of the timing lights used to check timing on cars...or at least they used to be before electronics invaded the automobile making it impossible to troubleshoot. This thing is beyond hideous. It may work, it may be accurate, it may be the best gun ever, but it's so ugly it will take a while for that to be realized, and if that'd not the case then this product will likely fail quickly.
By design, this is a concealed carry defensive gun. Who gives a poop what is written on the grip, as long as it suits an individual's needs? What about the caliber, manufacturer, country of origin, and all the other things written on guns?

Some people just want to whine about things. Tom Gresham did a nice job about discussing this "grip zone controversy" and "Internet warriors."
Internet warriors my rear end. Anyone alluding that people that oppose this grip nomenclature as being internet warriors are full of it. I didn't hear Gresham's show on that topic, but if he saying the same, then he is just glossing over utter BS on an otherwise fine looking gun. Why? Well I wouldn't piss off my advertisers and neither would he.

I like XDs. I like the looks of this new XD. But, with what Springfield Armory has done here is just short of painting the muzzle orange. :scrutiny:

I hope grip tape panels are already available for this gun.
If it really bothers you, you could just stipple it, and it will all go away. You end up with a better grip overall too.
So folks can complain endlessly about the Ruger Billboard, which usually has somewhat pertinent information on it, but if they call a totally superfluous "GRIPZONE" label on the grip of a gun what it is... ridiculous, then they are Internet Warriors trying to beat down poor little Springfield to make themselves feel important. I guess we better learn to praise and appreciate the marketing ballyhoo stamped onto any gun we're presented with lest we be labeled an "Internet Warrior".
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So folks can complain endlessly about the Ruger Billboard, which usually has somewhat pertinent information on it, but if they call a totally superfluous "GRIPZONE" label on the grip of a gun what it is... ridiculous, then they are Internet Warriors trying to beat down poor little Springfield to make themselves feel important. I guess we better learn to praise and appreciate the marketing ballywho stamped onto any gun we're presented with lest we be labeled an "Internet Warrior".
Nobody is asking anybody to praise it, accept it, or like it. We are simply pointing out the ridiculous tendency of some people who insist on whining about it.
I didn't see anybody "whining" about it- and I think it looks stupid also, so there.
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