A disturbance in the force... I need a new gun, but which? Help me please.

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I have been working on just such a thing based on the shoulder suspension system for a contractor's tool belt ... A work in progress but I have hopes for it.
Sorry to be late to jump in on this thread, but I would recommend a S&W 625 loaded with 45 Super. You'd have to reload, but its not hard. Starling has 45 Super brass. There are a lot of 5" 625s out there because the competition guys changed the rules to 4" barrels.
I have been working on just such a thing based on the shoulder suspension system for a contractor's tool belt ... A work in progress but I have hopes for it.
That's a great idea! You could have your accoutrements and gear all on the same rig with your gun. I'd go for something like that if I was allowed to carry at work.

Get it into the Forestry Supply or Ben Meadows catalog, and you'll be set for....... Well not for life, but maybe a few months.
SO my wife was standing behind me as she does some mornings and noted the title of this thread. I promptly put a hand to my head and cried out, "I feel a disturbance in the Force as though millions of voices cried out '-kBob NEEDS a new gun'"

......and she continued, "and were suddenly silent."

Oh, well, if Momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

She does seem interested in my plan to do some trading to get the kids matching center fire handguns, just no actual purchases.

I've noted a number of folks supporting the purchase of a S&W 625. Can one EVER go wrong for general shooting buying a decent N frame? I think not.

.45ACP is nice and .45 Colt ain't no slouch. Winner either way.

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