Swiss Rifles

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Mar 18, 2009
I am pretty excited as I purchased a Swiss 1896/11, 1911, and K-11 this weekend. I already have a K-31 so this rounds out the collection as far as I know. Are there any other Schmidt-Ruben rifles? Now, I just have to wait to find some 7.5x55 Swiss ammo as I have less than 100 rounds of GP-11 and no one seems to have either GP-11 or any other in stock.
I have never heard that you cannot shoot GP-11 in anything besides the K-31. As far as I know, it's fine to shoot GP-11 or any other 7.5x55 loading in the 1896/11, 1911, K-11, and K-31.

However, the Schmidt-Rubin Model 1889 which is chambered for the 7.5x53.5 black powder cartridge cannot fire 7.5x55. Perhaps 1889 rifle is the point of confusion?
You are correct. You can safely shoot GP11 (7.5 x 55) in the K31, the K11 (1911 short rifle), the G11 (1911 long rifle), and the 96/11.
You can not shoot GP11 in the 1889 rifles; they use GP90.
Enjoy them, they are great old rifles!
What kind of bullets do you reload 7.5x55 with? Also, has anyone tried reloading the GP-11 brass? I've heard that some guys hydraulically pop the primer.
Absolutely can not interchange berdan and boxer primers. Anvil is built into a boxer primer and built into the brass on a berdan primer. You can hydraulically pop out a berdan primer but they make a tool to do it that is similar to using a claw hammer to remove a nail.
Some people go to the trouble of boring out the Berdan anvil and swaging the pocket to fit a large rifle primer (with a ball-bearing, I think). Probably the only cartridge there is where it's even close to worth all the trouble (the brass is quite nice), aside from possibly the couple 'sniper loads' for 8mm of similar quality.

A nice rifle if you and load is a 1889, BUT like above you can't shoot GP11 in it. The Swiss Rifle Forums have load data for rolling your own. You can reload the berdan brass pretty easily, just takes a bit of extra time. I tried the water method, to much mess, looked at a commercial depriving tool, too expensive. What I do I'd take a drill bit, drill a small hole in the primer off to the side so you don't damage the anvil on the case. Then I put it in my reloading block upside-down, then take a pick and pry it out. Sounds like it would take a long time but once you get going it's only a few extra seconds really. When I first started I wrecked a few cases here and ther, but I've gotten to the point where I damage next to nothing. Powder valley has berdan pri.ers still I think. I gave the conversion a try but it's tedious and the results are not better then just reloading with berdan primers again.
Oh come on now guys, I stumbled in to a Swiss rifle thread ...

... and there's no pictures?

Shame on you all!

I use converted .284 brass for my Swiss. I worked on a load for it that duplicates the speed of the GP11 ammo. Makes the sights more useful. I know, why use 284 brass? Because my 82 year old dad has over 1000 of it and no 284 rifle. Perfect match. I found that Varget made for a good powder. Although its as hard to find around hear as H110.
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