Gotta love a Woman gives you a stabby-cutty-stick for Valentines Day.

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I was going to suggest a penny, but didn't want her to think that hubby was a cheapskate. :)
Yeah, well.... Maybe not a cheapskate so much as relatively unthoughtful in a male-female perspective of relationship math.

In that case, the ship sailed long ago.:rofl:

And I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone in that boat.

And a dollar saves him from that? o_O :evil: "Here's a penny Dear so our love is never severed." is so much better than "Here's a buck. I need the fives for going out with the guys tonight." :rofl:
So you're implying that it would NOT be a good idea to ask for change when honoring that tradition?:D

"Hey Hon, thanks for the knife. I really love it. You don't happen to have $9.99 on you, do you?"

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Those are always down near the guard, but the old brass back bowie style was intended to catch a blade so...

Embrace the puzzle. ;) I don't think anyone but the maker can tell us. :cool:

Its definitely not an exact match to the "blade catchers" I have seen before, but people get weird ideas on bowie knives. If you google search blade catcher bowie there are a couple on Etsy right now that have a saw back on them and says it was meant to trap an opponents blade, they do have a more pronounced hook in the gaurd. Then there is the brass spine knives. I can see someone thinking that if they were to parry with the back of that knife that the gap would stop the opponents blade from sliding any further towards your hand. Not something I am volunteering to try...

And then there is the sword breaker dagger which is a discussion/bad idea of its own. 62-2206.jpg
Maybe the Damascus split/cracked at one of those locations and it was an artistic “fix.”

Nope. You throw those away and never bother putting handles on them. Every bladesmith I know, and I know a bunch, has a pile of bad blades they just had to chuck. Just part of the craft. Real smiths don't do the goofy crap contestants are forced to do in FIF to hand a blade in.
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sword breaker

Sword breakers were strange. Heavy off hand "knives" thick enough to withstand catching a sword blade (rapier) and trapping or disarming the sword wielder. Part of the exotica of the late 16th and 17th century.
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