Wal-Mart To Begin Prohibiting Concealed Carry?

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Went to a state office building not long ago to renew my permit. There was a sign halfway between the parking lot and the front entrance door "No Weapons Beyond This Point."

ME TOO!! :fire: :banghead: :fire: :cuss: :banghead:

At the state police station where I went to renew my permit there were the signs, metal detector and guardian of the gate. I went in after leaving everything in the car (I have one of those safes mentioned, bolted to the frame) I thought. Forgot about my leatherman and had to leave that on the counter.

Didn't make me feel comfortable at all, I'll tell ya :scrutiny:
The walmart in town has a "no guns" sign on a bulletin board as you're leaving the store. Not on the outside doors, just on the inside of the building. It's a crappy store, anyway. They never have anything, and when they do, there is only one register open. the rest of the employees are standing in the aisles, talking.

Sounds like a local manager is overstepping their authority. Go to Wal-mart's web site and make a complaint about the sign.

I've heard they don't like open carry, and may ask you to leave, but unless they just changed their corporate policy, they allow concealed carry.

These rumors about Wal-mart being anti-gun or anti-CCW pop up all the time, and are consistently shown to be either untrue, or a local manager overstepping their authority.
"I love Wal-mart...any where you can buy underwear,bullets and a canned ham at 3 am is OK with me "

My butt you can, ham and drawers yes, but not ammo. I tried to buy #2 steel shot at 4:30 am on my way duck hunting. I was dressed in camo and had my calls around my neck. They told me it was company policy not to sell ammuniton or firearms between 10pm and 6am.


That's come up before, it is not company policy and if you address the manager on it they will be informed on it by headquarters. Often individual managers won't do it because of staffing concerns or their own feelings, but it aint policy and can be confronted and corrected.
If there is any problem at Wal-Mart with concealed carry I would be extremely surprised. I've seen customers in a Super Wal-Mart in Valley Alabama openly carrying their pistols. This is probably an urban legend coming out of an anti-gun stronghold state like Illinois. I think Wal-Mart tries to be as apolitical as possible when it comes to guns. They do however often bow to local sentiments when and where the sale of guns are concerned.

If I recall correctly within the last year they said that they would not be selling guns in either a New York or Minnesota town that asked them not to.
I went into one of my local Wal-Marts on sunday and they had a sign that said something to the effect of "No handguns allowed in the store, even by holders of valid permits" Since it was nowhere close to meeting the legal requirements of TX 30.06 I just laughed at it and walked in, but after reading some replies here I think I will shoot off an email to Wally world corporate. This just appeared very recently, because I stop in that particular store pretty often and it's the first time I had seen it, I even left thru a different entrance to see if they had it up there.
No trouble in AZ yet as far as carry in Wal-Mart. From the map of what states Wal-Mart sells guns in it looks like AZ is one of the only states so guess we would be one of the last you couldn't carry in
I am in that LS2.com thread. Just trying to help out, but I am not to good at writing. Same screen name Demon440
1. Every four months this rumor pops upon on the net. I could set my watch by it.

2. Every six months some betwetting Wal-Mart district manager posts a sign on a some stores somewhere. Call corporate and the signs will come down in a few days.
Yeah, my wife doesn't have scabies, either. Neither do I.

Nice to learn that Communist China produces Merck products as well as Remchester guns and ammo. Or that Leupold scopes are made in Shanghai.

We import soap and detergent from China? Bread? Cookies? Magazines? Paperback books? Steak? Box-blind stands for deer hunting?

But if you're down on China, you probably oughta get rid of most of your electronics gear. You gonna guarantee me that none of your computer/monitor/printer/TV/VCR/DVD/CD stuff has some Chinese-made parts? None?

:), Art
the last thing we, as Freedom loving (supposedly) gun owners, want to do is petition the government to force more people to do things against their will. That is the leftist mode of operation. We can NEVER sacrifice private property rights
I agree. I like the way our law is here in Utah. A private company can say you are not allowed to have a gun but it doesn't mean anything legally. The most they can do is ask you to leave and then if you don't they could call the cops on you for trespassing, but NOT for anything to do with your firearm.
Yeah, my wife doesn't have scabies, either. Neither do I.

Nice to learn that Communist China produces Merck products as well as Remchester guns and ammo. Or that Leupold scopes are made in Shanghai.

We import soap and detergent from China? Bread? Cookies? Magazines? Paperback books? Steak? Box-blind stands for deer hunting?

But if you're down on China, you probably oughta get rid of most of your electronics gear. You gonna guarantee me that none of your computer/monitor/printer/TV/VCR/DVD/CD stuff has some Chinese-made parts? None?

, Art

100% correct. Watch that car or truck you drive.....might be suprised where the parts or raw material is coming from for that too.
Awright already. I just flipped over the Dell keyboard here at work and guess what? It says 'Made in China'. I'm just saying that I will go out of my way NOT to buy stuff made in sweatshops in third world countries so some fat corporate mogul can have an extra piece of pie after his steak dinner before he drives his Mercedes back to one of his mansions, that's all. All this cheap crap is just so much 'opiate for the masses' IMO. I'm not big into consumerism, and if you are, I hope you find happiness in your purchases at some point. Mexican labor is already too expensive, so stuff is being made in China and when their labor rates increase along with their standard of living I suppose there will be another third world craphole to supply us with stuff we think we need but really don't.
Mexican labor is already too expensive, so stuff is being made in China and when their labor rates increase along with their standard of living I suppose there will be another third world craphole to supply us with stuff we think we need but really don't.

Yeah when Chinese labor gets too expensive, Like when it got too expensive for Japanese companies to manufacture cars in Japan,

Guess where the factories will go?????????? Tennesse, Alabama, South Carolina, Third world crapholes here in the USA. :neener:

Awful lot of Mercedes and BMWs in the parking lot of our local Walmart, I guess yoou need something to drive there from the $800,000 houses just down the road.
I have a hard time patronizing a retailer which does its best to "frisk" me on the way in and on the way out the way it is. The solution is simple, trade elsewhere.
No argument, Yooper, but I've seen no such signs in any WalMart I've patronized...

Hey, Ford wiring harnesses come from Brazil. Soy-based plastic; mice and rats love'em. Eat'em right up. Buick V6 motors at one time came from SE Asia, somewhere; disremember the country. Pick up an issue of "Hot VWs"; many of the aftermarket parts are from Mexico or Brazil...Cast alloy "mag" wheels? India...

:), Art
I went into one of my local Wal-Marts on sunday and they had a sign that said something to the effect of "No handguns allowed in the store, even by holders of valid permits" Since it was nowhere close to meeting the legal requirements of TX 30.06 I just laughed at it and walked in, but after reading some replies here I think I will shoot off an email to Wally world corporate. This just appeared very recently, because I stop in that particular store pretty often and it's the first time I had seen it, I even left thru a different entrance to see if they had it up there.

Yep, tell Wal-Mart Corporate, that's a rogue manager and they'll tell him to toe the line and stop that nonsense.
I've got to agree that petitioning the government to require private property owners to allow CCW is a mistake. The Bill of Rights restricts government behavior, not private. We all ought to appreciate this. Owners of restaurants and bars can enforce dress codes as well as deny entrance to those not enhancing the atmosphere they seek. The free market will take care of this issue more fairly than any government action will.

While I do occassionally find myself in Walmart, as WildAlaska said, I don't need much of a reason to shop elsewhere. The Mom-n-Pop businesses in town sure appreciate it.

And, as lostone1413 said, I doubt this issue would get very far in Arizona.
Walmarts in Eugene, Oregon seem to have no issue with CCW. A young woman at one of 'em is surprised when you buy only 2 boxes of pistol ammo. "Is that all your getting?!?" I'll shop there anytime. Yeah, a bunch of their stuff is made in China, but hey, I work for a Korean semiconductor company making DRAM in the U.S. of A. Face it folks, globalization isn't coming . . . its here.
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