Why REpublicans lie

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Well, there's a problem with that blanket claim "All politicians lie". That is the question of why they lie.

For Repubs they lied in the past for their own wealth or power, or sometimes because they felt it necessary to get the job done. For Dems the lies come because the ideology is bankrupt. They have no choice. You can't be a leftist and honest. The two are mutually exclusive. You can't tax yourself rich, kill 1,5 million kids a year and talk about life, preach tolerance while bashing everyone who disagrees with you, claim to love America while working for globalism and appeasing terrorists and despots, etc.

Sadly more recent examples of Repub lying are because they have become too much like the Dems.

well it could be in the job description or in the back pocket of the Jeans :D
It should be closed

no good will ever come from threads like this. They are just meant to get people fired up while the orginal poster sits back and watchs what he created.
Agreed. Pointless, non-firearms related thread.
I disagree. This thread was a reaction to a similar thread, "Why Democrats Lie." It's point was to remind us all that, while we love to demonize Democrats, the Republicans are, as a whole, really no better on the points of honesty, reducing the size and scope of government, or preserving our civil liberties. I can point to individual counterexamples--on both sides--but we need to remember that neither of the major parties has our best interests at heart; both of them are interested in power, and are willing to do whatever it takes to sieze that power. The lies they tell might be different, but the end result is the same: an increasingly strong central authority that will ultimately curtail all of our civil rights, including our right to own firearms.
Then again, the question begs, would it be possible for a totally honest and open person to be elected to a major public office?
It would be a welcome change, but a recipe for defeat, I think. Honesty seems to scare most Americans.
Then again, the question begs, would it be possible for a totally honest and open person to be elected to a major public office?

Bingo! You can't avoid telling them what they want to hear and expect to get elected. What they want to hear may either not be true, not realistic, or an inappropriate expectation. Mostly they want to hear that everything will be okay. I rather like that one myself.
Politics is a fertile breeding ground for back door dealing, deceit, corruption,
lies and theft.

Both Democrats and Republicans lie like crazed crack addicted baboons.


When money and power are involved it takes a person with impeccable morals
to remain non-corrupt.

Good people who decide to throw their hat in the ring and try to make a difference either get disgusted and leave, play the game and compromise
or get stonewalled and forced out.

With the exception of Ron Paul there are very few honorable men and women
on Capitol hill.

My opinion is that people elect senators and representatives that will bring a bigger piece of the tax money to their home district.

Redistribution of wealth is the key to what keeps these crooks and leeches
in office.
At least the republicans have an agenda and goals. You may disagree with them, but at least they have some.

The Democrats have nothing but Bush-hate. No goals except to make Bush look bad, no agenda except to stop the republican agenda. They offer nothing but divisiveness and obstruction. Literally, the inmates are running the asylum in the DNC, they are losing ground everywhere, their left wing ideology is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

Simply put, they deserve to lose. The left-wingers have siezed control of the party, and have steered it way past the rank-and-file "old style" Democrat "Zell Miller" party members. The old core of blue collar union members don't like the harsh anti-patriotic, flag burning, obstructionist, left-wing socialistic nonsense coming from the party leaders, and they have or will soon jump ship. As they do, the party tips ever farther to the left, ever farther from mainstream America. The Democrats will become more and more marginalized, more and more strident, more and more irrelivent.
I don't know about factually lying, but Libertarians are also dishonest when they try to recruit people to a party whose platform is so radical and rigid that the party doesn't have a prayer of succeeding.

I guess their lie by implication is that one is stupid if not buying into it all. The tactic is consistently intellectual intimidation. What is a lie is that LP party members are smarter than other people. What is also a lie is that THR L&P is primarily libertarian. It might also be staunch conservatives that share the concerns about what the major parties are doing, including their own.

That said, my alternative is to work within my significant party of choice rather than abandon it to the current dominant forces. Given viable choices, including good leadership, I might do otherwise.

I am very proud of both my Senators and my House Rep, certainly by comparison to the past and other members of Congress. I helped put them there, and it was more than just by voting.
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