Where to put all this ammo?!

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Feb 10, 2004
I think I went overboard but after seeing a trend of the price of .308 South African ammo rising, I went buckwild in stocking up. All told I have four 1260 round cans and five 140 round battle packs. The 1260 round cans of ammo are what I refer to as non-shootable ammo. I want to save those for that rainy day when the price of .308 surplus climbs to the point where I stop buying it. The five battle packs is my shooting ammo. When I get down to two pack, I'll order four more to replenish the supply. Now where to put those 1260 round cans. I live in a pier and beam house with my 600 pound safe in the corner of my room. I don't want to store it there for weight issues. I thought about the crawl space, garage, and a "secret":cool: little cabinet in my kitchen. My house on small with little closet space for anything else but clothes. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Flip.
Would you believe this little thing has a big appetite?


"say hello to my little friend"
If you decide to bury your treasure, make sure you fill the four small holes at the corners of those metal crates.

Disclaimer: DO NOT BURY AMMO! Don't even stock up. Get rid of all your ammo. Guns too. Should you need guns or ammo, the Goobermint will step in and provide anything you should need.

Oh, yeah, and get that Scout away from the potpouri! That's just wrong!
I find that stacking them in a cardboard box is a good way to make them look harmless to prying eyes. You could slide them into individual boxes that fit under the bed or something. I have one that I bought second hand still in the shipping box. Once you tape the cardboard back up, you wouldn't know it was ammo except maybe for the weight.

I would store the ammo wherever you can find the coolest and driest part of the house that is out of the way.

For me, I have a finished basement with central air. I store all my extra ammo in military ammo cans with a few packs of desiccant in them under a workbench. That is of course all the ammo that is not already in "Sardine" type cans. That goes behind the regular MILSPEC ammo cans.

In in inner wall between the supports.

Depending on the thickness of the wall you can store a crapload of stuff in them and it's reasonably easy to put hidden 'push to open' cabinet openers on them. It's good for guns too just mount a bar and lock the guns to them with a covered chain.
Only 4???????:rolleyes:

every closet in my house has uhhhh, something under the shoe rack.
trying to spread the weight around.

Teh shotgun shells we keep in the garage (detached) because well, shotgun shells take up a lot of room.

buy it cheap, stack it deep.
You know, when i first got started, i thought buying 2 flats at once was a lot.

Then, I would buy like 4 or 5 flats when they went on sale.

Then, i got married and my wife is totally hooked on shotguns and we would go thru 2 or 3 flats in a day.

then we started reloading.

we're behind currently and have about 5000 hulls to load, but we only have about 8200 loaded.
she's out buying more shot today. :D

And let's not even get started with pistol and rifle ammo.
Like i said, all over. Next compound has a basement.
all what ammo???

:neener: that's only one pile. Stack it in the garage, like I do... Sweet Gun, by the way...

what's non-shootable ammo?

Wait until you have to feed a belt fed. When Century had 8mm on sale I ordered 28,000 rounds. It showed up on a semi. They dropped it at the foot of the driveway. Then there is the 9mm for the submachine gun...
sorry, whats the logic of burying it in the yard? wouldnt putting it in the basement be better?
Make cinder block shelves, except with ammo cans instead of cinder blocks.

Print phony blue SPAM can labels and glue them onto the cans. No one will touch them.

Write it off as a weightlifting set, and work out until you can bench press all of your ammunition. (I'm Hanz, and He's Franz, and we're here to [CLAP] PUMP YOU UP!)
flip180 wrote :
I want to save those for that rainy day when the price of .308 surplus climbs to the point where I stop buying it.

Man - I've been hearing this for 20 years....
"Hope Chest"

I have most of my ammo stored in a real, honest to goodness "Hope Chest" that I picked up at one of those furniture stores that specialize in "knock down" furniture. The Furniture Box.

I found a nice one on sale for less than $80. I organized the ammo, much of it surplus, from left to right: 30.06, .223, 8mm Mauser, 7.62 x 54R, .303 and now .30 Carbine. All the pistol calibers I keep in another room and int he bottom of the gun cabinet.

It's very sturdy, has a lock that I upgraded, and a cedar insert or two to keep my ammo smelling "fresh" and keep bugs out. It doubles as a window seat too.

I just dust it every now and then, it seals very tight, I have a "damp away" in there that I replace every couple of months.

The wife approves because it looks like nice furniture ... and it matches my old fashioned glass door gun cabinet in the other corner of the bedroom.
Send it to me and I will store it for you, don't trust those other guys to store your ammo they are crazy. At James ammo storage you are well cared for.:) As for the shotgun ammo question and the store 28 gauge reply, that stuff won't even kill a lawyer here.:neener:

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