Irish Flag on Synthetic Stock

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ripcurlksm said:

I have no idea how the OP might go about the technicalities of putting a flag on their synthetic stock, but I thought it might be best to point out the fact that the flag in the above photo is that of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)-

The flag of the Republic of Ireland is the other way around: green, white, orange-

edited to add:
Where did the original picture go?
Now my post looks goofy. :(

Note to self:
In future, when quoting images, save the image locally. :rolleyes:
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Seeing all the stickers Jr. High Power competetors put on ther ARs, I think it would look best on a "Little Armalite".

If I was the District Attorny I would play the tune....
I was stopped by a soldier he said "you are a swine"
He hit me with his rifle and he kicked me in the groin
I bowed and I scraped, sure my manners were polite
Ah, but all the time I was thinking of me little Armalite!

And it's up along the bogside that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with the Provo company
A comrade on my left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!

A brave RUC man came walking up our street
With 600 British soldiers gathered round his feet,
Come out ya cowardly Fenians come on out and fight
But he cried I'm only joking when he heard my Armalite!

And it's down along the Falls Road that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with a Provo company
A comrade on my left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!

The army came to visit me 'twas in the early hours
With saracens and saladins and buggered armoured cars,
They thought they had me cornered but I gave them all a fright
With the armourpiercing bullets of me little Armalite!

And it's up in Crossmaglen that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with a Provo company
A comrade on my left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!

Well the premier came to Belfast to see the battles won
The generals had told them we have them on the run,
The corporals and privates while on patrol at night
Said "send home for re-enforcement's it's the bloody Armalite!"

And it's up in old Poleglass that's were I long to be
Lying in the dark with a Provo company
A comrade on my left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!
You could also always have someone machine three shallow rectangular cutouts into the stock for you, then pour a tiny bit of enamel paint in the three colors into them, making sure it's even by tilting it around. Heat the stock to a temp below the material's melting point, (in a box under a heatlamp would likely be okay) to cure the enamel, and I'd think that'd be durable?

As for the laser engravers, yes, those would work on a plastic stock. They cost about $10,000 each. Whether a mall kiosk would do it, or panic and call the security guards because you had a "gun part!" is dependent on your locale and local culture.

Many use the Versalaser units, the size of a large inkjet printer. I'm actually surprised nobody has advertised the services of one specifically catering to gunstock customizing, since the cost of work is about zero, and they work on plastic, wood, metal, anything.
If you do it, the only thing you have to watch out for is real Irish mocking calling you a plastic paddy. Its your gun so do what you want with it.
Anyone have a link to someone who does laser engraving on stocks?

I know a luthier (musical instrument maker) who had no problem using his laser engraver for firearm grips, but I don't think that his machine can handle large pieces. He mainly uses it to engrave keys and pegs for the vielle-a-roue.

I know him personally, so I emailed and asked if he was okay with doing gun grips engraving with his tools, and this very hippyish, Puget-Sound-island-living instrument maker replied: "No problem, a gun's just an inanimate object, no reason not to."

With the Synthetic stock, can you replace it if you mess up? If you can I said DON'T get a sticker, it will look cheesy. If your handy with tools I would get a metal or enamel medallion carve out a tracing in your stock with a dremel, then glue it in.

If not I would take it to someone who is good at airbrushing or engraving
I do laser engraving. The physical limit of my engraving table is 24", the size of the table is 17"x22". A laser engraver the size of mine costs about $25k new, although used ones are available for $7k and up.

I'm not suggesting anybody send their stocks to me though. Most moderate to large size cities will have a trophy shop that does laser engraving. Just call around.

For the Irish flag though, I suggest either a high quality sticker (called a mylar) or a sign shop that does vinyl cutting.
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