Flag Police

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Dec 24, 2002
Western Washington
Another flag post.
This post isn't intended to offend the "I will do with my private property what I :cuss: well please" crowd. On the contrary. I merely want to remind those that have forgotten or teach those that dont know, a fine point of flag ettiquette. I guess that makes me the flag police.:D

At any rate, I was just thinking of all the flags being flown at half mast due to the space shuttle disaster. The fine point alluded to is this:
When raising the flag, it should be raised to the top of the staff briskly, then lowered to half mast slowly. When lowering the flag, reverse the process by raising it to the top briskly and lowering it from there slowly.

In 1942 Congress passed a joint resolution summarizing the customs and rules for display of the U.S. flag. Flag ettiquette You are welcome to fly your colors however you want to. (You're gonna anyway!) ;)

This post is merely meant as an FYI.
Speaking of flag ettiquette...

I went to a store the other day and while walking up to the front I noticed that there was a beautiful U.S. flag in the front window. Kudos to them! However, the stars were to the right side.

I was about tell them that perhaps they should switch it, when I noticed that the flag was clearly visable from the inside (and in a very conspicuous, well lit mannor).

What is the proper flag ettiquette in this situation? Should the stars be to the left for the inside or outside viewpoint?
DMK - That's the same situation you get with a flag on a staff. Half the people will see the stars on the right and half will see them on the left. I guess the store management decided to favor those inside the store. It should probably have been reversed in that situation to favor the higher number of viewers outside, but it's not a major infraction.
It is not proper to display a flag in a window, used as a drape. However as a prominent, patriotic display, it is approprite and the sides the stars are on is not that importand because it can be viewd from both sides.

I was trying to find the little borchure that came with my Eagle Scout flag that flew over the White House. It lists other interesting points of ettiquette.
I just about blew a gasket

about 6 months ago I walked into a stop and rob just after it opend and noticed rolled up laying on the floor an American Flag. I about tore that kids head off. I can deal with honest mistakes but blatten disrespect for the flag I can not tolerate.
The American flag is alot tougher than many give it credit for.
One time when I was on flag detail, I was attacked by one.
It was coming down and the wind caught it and smacked me right across the face.
Felt like a bull-whip.:eek:
What I hate more than anything is to see a flag at 1/4 mast or 3/4 mast, not 1/2 mast. God, I saw one the other day that was just about dragging on the ground. If I stopped at all the places that weren't flying at the top of the mast, but also weren't flying 1/2 mast, I'd never get where I'm going.:banghead:
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