Help me please!!

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Jul 16, 2008
Hey guys. I am not a real gun person, but I play airsoft. A few days ago, on Law and Order, there was the "bad" guy, shooting with a sniper. I wanted to turn one of my broken airsoft guns, with pvc pipe, into one. I dont know what its called or have any pictures. My dad said it was like a compact sniper or something. It was all thin pipe stuff. Anyone know what it is, with a link or a picture?
If it was on tv there's likely only the very slightest connection to reality or even good fiction. There is so much plain baloney concerning guns and their proper use, employment, or even the proper firearm on tv and in movies that there's not enough time or space to even comment. Like el Chupacabra noted you're probably on the wrong message board.
Sorry, but I think you need to find an airsoft forum, as nobody here is likely to answer your question with any seriousness. Most of this crowd is too old to be into airsoft, though I used to be unstoppable on the paintball field.:D
I'm going to be as nice and serious as I can be here. What was the FPS of your broken gun before it broke? What broke on it? A piece of pipe is not going to be stable enough for any kind of long range shot. Airsoft doesn't have the flat trajectory needed to have accuracy past about 50 yards without spending serious money.
Yea, but shoot bbs. I dont need it to go fast, I just want to try. Does anyone know of any gun that is really compact?
Like this :neener:


In all seriousness, try an airsoft forum... most people here play with the real deal, aside from some dedicated airgunners.

Modification of an airsoft rifle to look like whatever is on Law & Order probably wouldn't be too hard if you didn't mind brutalizing a new one. The mechanics of many of them are pretty simple (Spring plus unrifled tube = airsoft gun, much of the time), and with a little playing and machine work perhaps something could be done.

I doubt any such rifle as you imagine exists, though, and I'm sure the expense would far outweigh any practical gains.
ill tell you if you can tell me what airsoft gun I saw the other day was called. it was black and shot yellow BBs. In all seriousness unless you can get a pic i doubt you will get much help. check out there is a section for sniper rifles maybe you can find what you are looking for there
Well I started with rocks, Then slingshots, bb guns of all shape and sizes, Then paintball with no rules execpt eye protection, I have seen this airsoft craze? wait till next year and by one at a garage sale, But for a afordable long rang platform, The Savage 308 is amazing out of the box! Good luck oh Whats Law and Order? Don't have a TV
AR-7s aren't tacticool enough for the airsoft crowd. I doubt you're going to find one of them.
I saw that episode and it was definitely a US Survival Rifle in stainless (AR-7) by Henry Repeating rifles. I have one. Great little rifle, btw. But as a .22, it isnt really up to snuff as a sniper rifle.
Is this it?

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That is in no way shape or form a high performance long range rifle. Since a sniper is one the shoots from a concealed position I suppose it would be a "sniper rifle" if a person that was sniping used one. Since you are into airsoft I'll put it this way. They took a gun and made it look cool for TV, in real life that gun is only good for small game, informal target shooting, or as a last ditch survival gun.
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